Re-Introducing fitness analytics for PennMobile! Check hours and occupancy levels of fitness locations on campus! Other new features include interactive dining graphs, a new way to sort GSRs by time, and a re-organization on the more page. Lots of bug fixes and performance improvements as well.
What's Changed
- Fixed news card "Read Article" button by @JSnipes29 in #574
- Fixed home icon to fill. Improves dark mode nav bar. by @JSnipes29 in #575
- Improve GSR tab text by @JSnipes29 in #576
- Add trini to about by @trinif in #577
- Update .gitignore by @rchhaya in #579
- adding vedha to about by @vavali08 in #578
- merging main by @trinif in #580
- update about page f2023 by @rchhaya in #583
- Fixed bug with dining settings by @JSnipes29 in #573
- Moved feedback to "More" page links by @trinif in #582
- Fix big bugs by @JSnipes29 in #584
- Fitness by @meiron03 in #588
- Change load home by @meiron03 in #589
- Fixing GSR Duration Field Resets (Issue 548) by @vavali08 in #581
- Remove api redundancies by @rchhaya in #587
- added dining marker and interactive dining graphs by @trinif in #590
- Add time based sorting to GSR booking by @vavali08 in #586
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v2.4.3...v3.0.0