HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Ant, XSLT
This project contains the original, unminified files used for the development of website.
To generate the production website, run the default target of the Ant build script from a command line (requires Java and Apache Ant):
ant -f build/build.xml
By default, the output folder is "" at the same level as the folder "" for this project. You can configure a different folder by adding a file "" in build folder with the path you with to configure:
Eric Bréchemier
Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial Share-Alike
Euphorigenic font by Typodermic Fonts: All Rights Reserved.
Courtesy of Typodermic Fonts and Fontspring: -
Ant script and XSLT code: Creative Commons Attribution
JArgs: BSD License
Saxon-HE: Mozilla Public License version 1.0
YUI Compressor: BSD License