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On this site, I'll share my projects and programming progress!
Here you'll find a selection of my projects, skills and contact details.
Hi, I'm Pedro Rosemberg, a future Computer Scientist...
Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science, Specialist in Clinical Psychoanalysis from FAMEF, MBA in Commercial Management and Market Intelligence from Leonardo da Vinci University Center, Specialist in Marketing, Creativity and Innovation from Leonardo da Vinci University Center, Technological Degree in Marketing from Leonardo da Vinci University Center.
MarketGuru offers marketing and communication services, specializing in performance based on data analysis. To find out more about our services, visit: marketguru.com.br.
Custom software and systems development group. To find out more about our services, visit: codever.com.br.
ECONX is a greentech company whose mission is ‘to create innovative and accessible solutions for a more sustainable market, helping companies and people to reduce their carbon emissions and have access to sustainable energies, promoting a green future’. To find out more about our services, visit: econx.com.br.