Cryptocurrency Dashboard is a web application that allows users to view cryptocurrency trends and their past price through graphical visualization.
Visit Cryptocurrency-dashboard and discover cryptos, charts, and MarketCaps!
- user can view data visuals through dynamic graphs
- user can search cryptos
- user can sort cryptos
- user can view Live previews of cryptos
- user can view app on Fullscreen mode
- user can choose Chart types
- user can click on Duration buttons to view past prices and current prices of cryptos through graphs.
- Sidebar indicates profit/loss percentage on 24 hour basis
- Crypto Exchange: allows users to convert different crypto currencies into other currencies
- Responsive
- sidebar pagination
- Tailwind CSS
- Redux
- Redux Thunk
- ReactJS
- ContextApi
- Chartjs
- CoinGeckoAPI
- To run this project locally, use the following command in your CLI:
git clone
- Open your favorite code editor and run locally!
npm install
npm start
- Go to browser and search localhost:3000
Contributions and ideas to this library are more than welcome!
If you want to contribute or have ideas for this project, just fork the repo and create a PR. If you spot a bug, you are more than welcome to open an issue! Do ⭐ this project!
- Fork the Project
- Creata a branch for your feature/ idea. Please do give a good name for the branch that tells about the feature.
- Stage your changes
- Commit your changes
- Push the changes to your remote branch
- Open and Create a PR
This capstone project is associated with Almabetter.
I don't own any of the logos or images used in the project all belongs to their respected owners.