Objective: Develop a model using satellite and aircraft data to predict contrail formation, number, and duration in specific areas.
GOES-16 provides continuous monitoring from its geostationary orbit 22,300 mi above Earth.
Contrail clouds, which originate from aircraft exhaust, play a pivotal role in global warming by modulating Earth's radiation balance European Geosciences Union, 2019. This modulation is quantified by effective radiative forcing (ERF), which represents the net energy flux alteration at the top of the atmosphere (TOA).
The relationship between the TOA energy imbalance
The magnitude and sign of
Atmospheric column water vapor is a critical greenhouse determinant, quantifying the vertical water vapor content from Earth's surface to TOA. This metric is represented as the condensed liquid's height/depth uniformly distributed across the column, with units in
The amount of precipitable water vapor, denoted as
While the ERF is related to energy balance and dynamics at the top of the atmosphere, precipitable water vapor, is related to the distribution of water vapor in the atmosphere.
- Introduction: Climate Analytics and Contrails
- Objective
- GOES-16 Satellite: Earth Monitoring
- Contrail Detection: Climate Change Studies
- Dataset OpenContrails: Benchmarking on GOES-16 ABI
- Kaggle Competition: Identify Contrails
- Documentation and Resources
- Setup
- Pipeline: Connect to Kaggle Datasets
- Run and Usage
- Output Example
- Credits
- Contributing
- License
- Acknowledgments and Support
OpenContrails: Benchmarking Contrails Detection paper underlines contrail's importance, attributing them to
Right side shows detected contrails (⇥); left side shows absence (⇤).
• OpenContrails dataset, collected between April 2019-2020, encompasses:
- High-resolution contrail masks.
- Contrail detection model outputs from multiple GOES-16 image years.
- Emphasis on young, linear-shaped contrails.
- Utilization of ResNet and DeeplabV3+ architectures for contrail detection.
- Dataset is publicly available on Google Cloud Storage.
The competition aims to develop a model predicting contrail formation and duration.
The dataset contains 244,400 images, each with 16 spectral bands, from the GOES-16 satellite. The images are labeled with contrail masks, and the goal is to predict the contrail masks for the test set. The competition is sponsored by Google Research and the Laboratory for Aviation and the Environment at MIT.
Our work will quantifiably improve the confidence in the prediction of contrail-forming regions and the techniques to avoid creating them.
• Flowchart 📈 | Decision tree for contrail identification • Context | Research insights for this study • Pre-print ArXiv | OpenContrails and GOES-16 ABI | Visual Overview • Roadmap 📍| Contrail Analysis
The overlayed histograms highlight varying pixel distributions across spectral bands, predominantly showcasing lower reflectance values in satellite imagery data.
conda env create -f requirements.yml
conda activate contrail_env
python -m venv contrails_env
source contrails_env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
conda create -n contrail_env
conda activate contrail_env
pip install -r requirements.txt
Both conda
and pip
can be used in the same environment, but issues may arise. Using them back-to-back can create an unreproducible state and overwrite packages. To avoid problems, create an isolated conda environment, install most packages with conda
, and use pip
with --upgrade-strategy only-if-needed
Visit Kaggle Settings. Under the API section, click on “Create New API Token” to download the kaggle.json
pip install kaggle
mkdir ~/.kaggle
mv /path/to/kaggle.json ~/.kaggle/kaggle.json # move .json to kaggle dir (i.e. mv ~ops/Downloads/kaggle.json ~/.kaggle/kaggle.json)
chmod 600 ~/.kaggle/kaggle.json
kaggle competitions list
∙ sample-dataset ▸ ash-color 22.4k files - 11.74 GB
kaggle datasets download shashwatraman/contrails-images-ash-color -p /path/to/desired/directory
unzip contrails-images-ash-color.zip -d /path/to/desired/directory
rm contrails-images-ash-color.zip
∙ full-dataset ▸ OpenContrails 244.4k files - 450.91 GB
kaggle competitions download -c google-research-identify-contrails-reduce-global-warming
conda activate contrail_env
pytest -sv
ctrl + c
conda deactivate
python src/dataset_to_histogram_reports.py ./samples/kaggle_competition_mini_sample/
python src/interactive_globe.py
python -m src.utils.coordinate_converter samples/kaggle_competition_mini_sample/test/1000834164244036115 output
python src/utils/rand_record_viz_with_masks_false_color.py --base_dir samples/kaggle_competition_mini_sample/test/1000834164244036115 --n_records 2 --n_times_before 4
python src/utils/get_shape.py samples/kaggle_competition_mini_sample/test/1000834164244036115/band_08.npy
python src/utils/rle_encoding_submission.py samples/kaggle_competition_mini_sample 2
python src/main.py
• OpenContrails: Benchmarking Contrail Detection on GOES-16 ABI (April 2023) - Led by MIT Professor Steven Barrett from the Laboratory for Aviation and the Environment. • Satellite images are from NOAA GOES-16. • goes_contrails_dataset • Contrail Recognition with Convolutional Neural Network and Contrail Parameterizations Evaluation (August 2018) • The Application of a Convolutional Neural Network for the Detection of Contrails in Satellite Imagery (May 2023) • Light Contrail Segmentation via Augmented Transfer Learning with Novel SR Loss Function in Hough Space (July 2023)
• RAMMB CIRA • GOES-16/17 • NASA's Eyes On The Earth Software, Demo • Ash RGB Guide • RGB Recipes • deck.gl • windy.com/aerosol • @blaylockbk | goes2go
• Discover contrails at school • Science of contrails • Contrails-labeling-guide • Infrared Satellite Imagery • Interpreting Satellite Imagery • Using Python with GOES-16 Data • Q&A with SATAVIA • Atmospheric Optics Catalogues • STAC • WGS84 Coordinate System • Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) • Could air someday power your flight? Airlines are betting on it. • Efficacy of climate forcings | Hansen et. al • ⽕⛆ Pyrocumulonimbus (storm clouds from extreme wildfires)| Identifying the Causes PyroCb
• gcp-public-data-goes-16 • Beginner's Guide to GOES-R • GOES-R Series Product Definition • GOES-16 • GOES-16 Band Reference Guide • github: @awslab | noaa-goes16 • aws/noaa-goes
• Inversion - isualize (input dataset 450.91 GB) • Shashwatraman - contrails dataset sample (11.74 GB) train_df.csv, valid_df.csv • egortrushin - high score example • keegil - Using U-Net to Predict Segmentation Masks in Python & Keras • anshuls235 - Time Series Forecasting-EDA, FE & Modelling • jamesmcguigan - RAM/CPU Optimization | downcasting unit8 → float64 • Opencontrails Competition | One month to go! Summary of everything that happened
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This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.
Work under construction. If there are inaccurate or missing quotes or credits, please email 👷 dev@patimejia.com. Thanks!
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