#Created this project: goEuroTestAutomation for Automating tests on www.goeuro.com
###It contain test: TC001_PriceFilterTest which will
- goto www.euro.com
- Search from Berlin to Pragues
- check on search landing page that the prices are sorted in descending order
###Project structure & config
- pages: contains page file which conatins all actions
- testscripts: this has testcase files, Basically the actions and verifications
- Utilities: All other supported java files liek browserDriver, Sort utility
Configuring the deparure and arrival city can be changes at test data file: TestData/TC001_PriceFilterTest.properties
All xpaths are kept at: ElementRepository/MainPage.properties
ChromeDriver is placed at Setup folder
All dependancies are specified in pom.xml
testng configuration at testng.xml
###Technologies used
- Scripting: Java(1.8)
- Build management: Maven
- Other: Selenium, surefire plugin, testNg
- Java installed
- Linux/OSX
- Maven
- Git
###Steps to run
- Take repository clone on you local "git clone git@github.com:parag90/goEuroTestAutomation.git"
- Go inside the main folder
- run this command "mvn clean install" on terminal
###Reports will be generated at "target/surefire-reports/html/index.html"
- If in case of chrome driver permission issues, Please give executable permssion to Setup/chromedriver2