Create a class called Numerology.
• The fields in this class are four integers: month, day, year, and result; and one string named prediction.
• The integers can be initialized to 0 and the string to NULL. -
Create a class called Driver, which will create an object of Numerology whenever needed.
• Your main() method will be part of this class. -
Create a method in Driver that will generate 100 random valid dates.
• The month between 1 and 12.
• The day will be generated according to the month but cannot exceed 1 and 31.
For example, if the month is generated to be 1 (January), the maximum day value can be 31, whereas, for April (month=4), the maximum day value will be 30.
• The year will be between 1500 and 2020.
• No need to worry about Leap years -- all the days for February will be between 1 and 28 regardless of the year.
Write these generated dates to a text file called "dates.txt" -- you will have to create the file first.
• The format will be like: month day year.
• One date per line. -
Now, create a new method in Driver that will read these dates from the "dates.txt" file.
Next, you will crunch these numbers in the same function as follows.
• Add Month, Day, and year and bring them to a single digit.
• For example, today's date is 9 8 2021. So, you do --> 9+8+2021 = 2038 -- break it down as this is not a single-digit --> 2+0+3+8 = 13 --> 1+3 =4. You stop at 4 as it is single digit.
• Create a Numerology object, where
- Month, day, and year will be set by the values read from the file.
- The result will hold the crunched single-digit number.
- The prediction string will hold a "future prediction" for the crunched number.
- You can pre-define the 9 possible strings for 9 possible crunched digits.
For example, if it's 1, the prediction might be "You will meet someone nice today!"
- Please use your imagination for these (string) predictions.
• As expected, you will have 100 numerology objects for the 100 dates that you have read from the "dates.txt" file.
Now, create a Singly-linked List (SLL) and a Doubly Linked List (DLL) to store these objects.
• The object corresponding to the first date read from the "dates.txt" file will be the first node in both SLL and DLL, and so on. -
Print the Numerology reports to the console (i.e., the date in MM/DD/YYYY format and the corresponding prediction) for all the dates in the lists by
- traversing forward in SLL
- traversing backward in DLL
- Print the prediction ONLY in a text file named "predict.txt" -- you will have to create the file first -- where each line j in "predict.txt" will hold the corresponding prediction of the date in line j of "dates.txt"
• You have to do it by traversing forward in SLL.
• To revise your Programming II concepts.
• Get experience in the first new data structure learned in this course.
• Submit two .java files only and nothing else, they should be enough to run your code.
• If your code does not follow any instructions listed above, you will lose points.
• There will be partial credits available (professor's discretion).
• You should use Generic classes.
• You can not use any Java library to complete the given task -- create your own methods.