Very early attempt at creating an ANTLR visitor for javascript files using GO. Going to change like Irish weather so don't expect things to stay the same any time soon.
The base
is the result of running what is described here
The vast folder is the implementation so far toward creating an ast which will allow easy manipulation/translation of the original source. Thre are a few example functions in the exampls folder including how to parse and manipulate a single expression.
import (
antlr ""
code := `i + j;`
v := vast.NewVisitor(code)
// do whatever with errors
go v.DefaultError()
// start at ExpressionSequence
tree := v.Parser.ExpressionSequence()
exp := visit(tree, v).(*vast.ExpressionSequence)
expc := exp.FirstChild().(*vast.LRExpression)
fmt.Println(expc.Left().(vast.Token).Value(), expc.OP().Value(), expc.Right().(vast.Token).Value())
// change OP
fmt.Println(expc.Left().(vast.Token).Value(), expc.OP().Value(), expc.Right().(vast.Token).Value())
// reuse lexer and parser
tokenStream := antlr.NewCommonTokenStream(v.Lexer, antlr.TokenDefaultChannel)
tree2 := v.Parser.ExpressionStatement()
exp2 := visit(tree2, v).(*vast.ExpressionStatement).FirstChild()
expc = exp2.FirstChild().(*vast.LRExpression)
// can be any singleExpression so any VNode
fmt.Println(expc.Left().(vast.Token).Value(), expc.OP().Value(), expc.Right().(vast.Token).Value())
expc = exp2.FirstChild().(*vast.LRExpression)
// can be any singleExpression so any VNode
fmt.Println(expc.Left().(vast.Token).Value(), expc.OP().Value(), expc.Right().(vast.Token).Value())
And a very incomplete conversion from arrow to es5 functions but it shows the general idea:
code := `
// Arrow Function Break Down
// 1. Remove the word "function" and place arrow between the argument and opening body bracket
(a) => {
return a + 100;
// 2. Remove the body brackets and word "return" -- the return is implied.
(b) => b + 100;
// 3. Remove the argument parentheses
c => c
// Arrow Function
(a, b) => {
let chuck = 42;
return a + b + chuck;
v := vast.NewVisitor(code)
tree := v.Parser.Program()
go v.DefaultError()
// v.Debug = true
rfs := visit(tree, v).(*vast.Program).Body
// Statement ->ExpressionStatememts -> ExpressionSequence
for _, fn := range rfs {
var trans string
// all with one child
af := fn.FirstChild().FirstChild().FirstChild().(*vast.ArrowFunction)
// either has a function body with {} of a single expression.
if af.Body.SingleExpression != nil {
// can be there or not
var open, close string
if af.FunctionParameters.OpenParen == nil {
open, close = "(", ")"
trans = fmt.Sprintf("function%s%s%s {\n\treturn %s;\n}",
open, af.FunctionParameters.Source, close, af.Body.SingleExpression.Code())
} else {
trans = fmt.Sprintf("function%s %s", af.FunctionParameters.Source, af.Body.Source)
fmt.Println("After ->", trans)
Quite verbose but more about getting it working than pretty to start...