This project is a new take on my old Ludum Dare 38 solo submission. Featuring an experimental glass tile rendering system, new visuals, a complete mechanical overhaul, new audio and more!
🎥 Check out this YouTube video that shows a complete walkthrough (and general gameplay)!
A compiled executable is available for download in the releases section.
to your Windows Defender exclusions list. Also be sure to give the game adequate time to load textures and audio when launching (don't spam click the executable; this will almost certainly make your antivirus program unhappy).
The code for this project is available under the MIT License.
🖱️ + LMB = place piece
A + D = rotate piece
Space = hold piece
M = mute audio
Escape = close application
This project uses the Rubik font which is available under the Open Font License. All other visuals and audio were created exclusively for this project.
To achieve the glass tile lighting effect, the refractive properties of a 3D tile model were simulated in Blender and baked into a series of what I'm calling "refraction maps". For every tile pixel, the GLSL fragment shader samples nine refraction maps (representing a 3x3 grid surrouding the current tile) and blends the light together to produce the final pixel color.
The other visuals were created using a combination of GIMP and Inkscape.
The sound effects were recorded using foley and my Antlion Audio ModMic 4, and edited in Audacity. One sound effect (the tile place sound) was synthesized using JFXR.
This project depends on the following libraries:
- stb for image and font loading.
- GLFW for display management and input polling.
- GLEW-cmake (and GLEW) for loading GLFW.
- miniaudio for audio loading and playback.
Dependency licenses and source code are available by following the above links.