Clone this repository, the oscar-book repository and a create a checkout of the Oscar.jl repo on the backports-release-1.0
$ julia-1.10
_ _ _(_)_ | Documentation:
(_) | (_) (_) |
_ _ _| |_ __ _ | Type "?" for help, "]?" for Pkg help.
| | | | | | |/ _` | |
| | |_| | | | (_| | | Version 1.10.1 (2024-02-13)
_/ |\__'_|_|_|\__'_| | Official release
|__/ |
(@v1.10) pkg> activate ./OscarBookExamples.jl/
Activating project at `~/software/julia/OscarBookExamples.jl`
(OscarBookExamples) pkg> dev ./Oscar-backports.jl/
Resolving package versions...
Updating `~/software/julia/OscarBookExamples.jl/Project.toml`
[e30172f5] + Documenter v1.2.1
[f1435218] + Oscar v1.0.0-DEV `../Oscar-backports.jl`
[91a5bcdd] + Plots v1.40.1
Updating `~/software/julia/OscarBookExamples.jl/Manifest.toml`
julia> using Oscar, OscarBookExamples
----- ----- ----- - -----
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| | | | |-----| | |
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...combining (and extending) ANTIC, GAP, Polymake and Singular
Version 1.0.0-DEV ...
... which comes with absolutely no warranty whatsoever
Type: '?Oscar' for more information
(c) 2019-2024 by The OSCAR Development Team
julia> roundtrip(book_dir="/path/to/the/oscar-book"; only=r"polyhedral-geom")
The only
argument is a regex that will select matching parts of the book (by pathname). This will print a summary at the end with blocks of EXPECTED
and DIFF
for changes in the output.
It can also be run with the fix=:report_errors
argument to store the results in an md
julia> roundtrip(book_dir="/path/to/the/oscar-book", fix=:report_errors; only=r"polyhedral-geometry")
The corresponding file in the book folder, e.g. /path/to/the/oscar-book/jlcon-testing/cornerstones/
, will now contain a diff between the markdown generated from collecting the jlcons and the results of running these blocks as doctests, i.e. look for lines starting with +
or -
Documenter currently fails for all betti_tables
since it cannot properly detect the input and output.