Release 0.2.5
🚀 Features
feat: span batch
feat: encode raw span batch
feat: Dockerfile add entrypoint
🐛 Fixes
fix: add logs
fix: l1 origin check value and parent check value
fix: startEpochNum value and l1 origin check value
fix: to singular batches method
fix: delete code
fix: fix test case
fix: raw span batch remove IBatch interface
fix: raw span batch remove IBatch interface
fix: span batch format
fix:Add docs
fix:fix version
commit badge
add span-batch
add span-batch
commit badge
feat:span batch txs/tx
feat:span batch v2
feat:span batch txs recoverV
feat:spanbatch fulltx
feat:raw span batch
feat:raw to span
feat:add more span batch test
feat:fix recover unprotected
feat:refactor and change license
commit badge
commit badge
feat:release v0.2.5