Without cloud creators, there is no community. Here is a project list of various cloud creators, who are contributing significant free work online, supporting the cloud community, and are comitted to keeping barriers into the industry down. These folks are all doing incredible work in the community, and need your support to continue.
Disclaimer: I don't have full industry visibility. The list is there not exhaustive. If you think a key person is missing feel free to raise a PR and add them, more details below! If you're missing, don't take it personally, just raise a PR !
- Pauline Narvas => https://www.buymeacoffee.com/pawlean
- Madebygps => https://www.buymeacoffee.com/madebygps
- Tech With Lucy => https://www.youtube.com/c/techwithlucy
- Complete Coding => https://www.buymeacoffee.com/completecoding
- Anton Babenko => https://github.com/antonbabenko
- Rishab Kumar => https://buymeacoffee.com/rishabincloud
I'm open to contributions to this project. I would suggest that linked creators should follow the code of ethics at least in spirit, and make a good faith attempt at providing free information, and generally trying to engage with and support the cloud community. Let's lift up positive, and diverse voices.