BetJay is a betting application built fully on the Lightning Network.
BetJay focuses on user privacy and ease of payment. It connects to an existing lightning node (service company node) to exchange bitcoin (in satoshi) between the gambler and the service company based on whether they win or lose.
- A user may place a wager.
- BetJay generates invoice
- BetJay should display the invoice as a QR code for the user to pay.
- BetJay listens for payment.
- BetJay automatically places the bet upon payment confirmation.
- If the bet is lost, BetJay allows the user to play again.
- BetJay sends the profit amount to the gambler using Keysend
- LND support
BetJay connects to an LND node, so a running LND node is required. BetJay can easily run next to LND on the same host or any other hosting provider.
You need to have Node installed. Simply download the binary and run it! Ensure the the below command runs
$ node -v
$ npm -v
$ git clone
$ cd /BetJay/client
$ npm install
$ npm run start
$ cd /BetJay/server
$ npm install
$ npm run dev
Note : The BetJay server uses the LND details in the ./server/.env to connect to the LND node. Please make sure to update the credentials. Also, the receiving node (user node) needs to allow Keysend payment (checkout my post on for more on Keysend). By runs on port 3000 by default.