Various examples and implementations of belief space planning
point: Ideas first tested in canonical light-dark example. NOT MAINTAINED
Experiments for WAFR 2014 submission
arm: For a 6-DOF arm and a fixed camera, finds path from start to end that minimizes uncertainty
parameter: For a dynamical system with unknown parameters, finds control inputs that determines the unknown parameters efficiently
slam: For a car and landmarks, finds a path that minimizes uncertainty about both the car and landmark positions while reaching specified waypoints
ONGOING: exploring non-parametric methods, namely particle filters
point-pf: Uncertainty about robot represented by particles, optimize directly over them
pf: Uncertainty about something in the environment
explore: agents seek a target object located randomly in an environment
boxes: agent goal is to localize the position of box(es)
eih: eye-in-hand, localize an object with a kinect like sensor on an end effector
The code is not suitable for public consumption yet in its current form. If you are interested in using it, please send Greg (gkahn [at] an email saying that you would like to use the code and what you plan to do with it, and we will try to help you out.