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workflow for analysis of samples with RNA spike-ins (ERCC)


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Ercc 1.1, Niassa-wrapped Cromwell (widdle) workflow for running ERCC spike-in analysis on RNAseq data. The workflow counts total reads in fastq files, evaluate expression of ERCC spike-ins using bwa aligner and creates a report in .json format, along with plots in .png and .pdf formats. The .json file contains RPKMs for all ERCC transcripts as well as other information. RPKM table in .csv format is also provisioned.





java -jar cromwell.jar run ercc.wdl --inputs inputs.json


Required workflow parameters:

Parameter Value Description
fastqR1 File File with reads for mate 1 or fastq file for single-read data
mixId String LIMS-approved identification of the Spike-In Mix
sampleId String The Id used to identify the data in the report
reference String hg19 or hg38 (assembly id)

Optional workflow parameters:

Parameter Value Default Description
fastqR2 File? None File with reads for mate 2, is available
outputFileNamePrefix String basename(fastqR1,'.fastq.gz') Prefix for the output file

Optional task parameters:

Parameter Value Default Description
countTotal.jobMemory Int 8 Memory allocated to this job
countTotal.timeout Int 20 Timeout in hours for this task
countTranscripts.timeout Int 20 Timeout in hours for this task
countTranscripts.jobMemory Int 20 Memory allocated to this job
countTranscripts.threads Int 8 Threads to use with bwa
countTranscripts.cnv_file String "ercc_counts.csv" Output, contains ERCC ids and their respective number of reads
rpkmTable.timeout Int 20 Timeout in hours for this task
rpkmTable.jobMemory Int 10 Memory allocated to sort task
makeReport.imagingScriptPath String "$ERCC_SCRIPTS_ROOT/ercc_plots.R" path to R script ercc_plots.R
makeReport.rScript String "$RSTATS_ROOT/bin/Rscript" Path to Rscript command
makeReport.jobMemory Int 10 Memory allocated to classify task


Output Type Description Labels
rpkmData File ERCC readouts in RPKMs vidarr_label: rpkmData
image File png with a plot (Dose Response supported at the moment) vidarr_label: image
pdf File pdf with the same plot as png, a legacy output vidarr_label: pdf
json File json file with ERCC numbers vidarr_label: json


This section lists command(s) run by ercc workflow

  • Running ercc

ercc workflow checks out spike-in signal (reads) and plots the QC graph(s).

Count reads in fastq file:

   zcat FASTQ_R1 | paste - - - - | wc -l  

Align reads to chimeric reference (modified reference also containing all spike-in sequences)

   bwa mem -t THREADS -M REF_GENOME FASTQ_R1 FASTQ_R2 | samtools view -S - | 
       cut -f 3 | grep ERCC | sort | uniq -c | sed s/^\ *// > CNV_FILE

In this custom script we build the RPKM table

  python <<CODE
  import os
  ercc = os.path.expandvars("~{erccData}")
  counts = "~{erccCounts}"
  total = ~{totalReads}
  output_file = "~{basename(erccCounts, '.csv')}_rpkm.csv"
  # 1. Open file, read and collect length data
  ercc_data = open(ercc, 'r')
  length_hash = {}
  for nextLine in ercc_data.readlines():
      nextFields = nextLine.split("\t")
      length_hash[nextFields[0]] = int(nextFields[4])
  # 2. Calculate RPKMs, put them in a hash
  count_data = open(counts, 'r')
  rpkm_hash = {}
  count_hash = {}
  for nextLine in count_data.readlines():
      nextLine = nextLine.strip("\n")
      countChunk = nextLine.split(" ")
      if len(countChunk) == 2 and countChunk[1] in length_hash.keys():
          count_hash[countChunk[1]] = int(countChunk[0])
  pm = int(total)/1000000.0
  for e in sorted(length_hash.keys()):
     rpkm = 0.0
     if e in count_hash.keys():
         rpkm = count_hash[e]/pm/(length_hash[e]/1000.0)
     rpkm_hash[e] = "{0:.2f}".format(rpkm)
  # 3. print out RPKMS sorted by
  f = open(output_file, "w+")
  for e in sorted(rpkm_hash.keys()):
      f.write('\t'.join([e, rpkm_hash[e]]) + '\n')

Report Making using oputputs from the other steps:



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