redis-watcher is the Redis watcher for pycasbin. With this library, Casbin can synchronize the policy with the database in multiple enforcer instances.
pip install redis-watcher
import os
import casbin
from redis_watcher import new_watcher, WatcherOptions
def callback_function(event):
print("update for remove filtered policy callback, event: {}".format(event))
def get_examples(path):
examples_path = os.path.split(os.path.realpath(__file__))[0] + "/../examples/"
return os.path.abspath(examples_path + path)
if __name__ == "main":
test_option = WatcherOptions() = "localhost"
test_option.port = "6379" = "test"
test_option.ssl = False
test_option.optional_update_callback = callback_function
w = new_watcher(test_option)
e = casbin.Enforcer(
get_examples("rbac_model.conf"), get_examples("rbac_policy.csv")
# then the callback function will be called when the policy is updated.
This project is under Apache 2.0 License. See the LICENSE file for the full license text.