This is a simple Discord bot that can be used to give roles to all members of a server.
Node.js (at least version 12)
Discord.js (version 12)
Clone or download this repository to your local machine.
Install dependencies by running npm install in the project directory.
Create a new bot in the Discord Developer Portal and copy its token.
Open the index.js file and replace UR DISCORD BOT PUT with your bot's token.
Replace Put Roles ID with the IDs of the roles you want to give to all members.
Replace Server ID with the ID of the server you want to give roles to.
Run the bot with the command node index.js.
The bot currently only supports one command:
!give-roles: Gives the specified roles to all members of the server who don't already have them. License This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
This bot was created by Double. If you have any questions or issues, feel free to contact me on Discord at doubl.e.