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ACL plugin koa-oai-router


npm i koa-oai-router-acl --save


field type info
name string acl
evoked fields string x-oai-acl
evoked fileds value object {resource,permission}
options object acl, getUid, before, after
  • options {object}
  • acl {function} acl factory function. having args (Acl) and must return a acl instance.
  • getUid {function} get uid. having args (ctx) and must return a uid({string}).
  • before {function} handle before acl permission test. having args (ctx, next), next evoked will allow request.
  • after {function} handle after acl permission test. having args (ctx, next, allowed).
const Koa = require('koa');
const Router = require('koa-oai-router');
const MiddlewarePlugin = require('koa-oai-router-middleware');
const AclPlugin = require('koa-oai-router-acl');
const Redis = require('ioredis');

const app = new Koa();
const router = new Router({
 apiDoc: './api',
 options: {
   MiddlewarePlugin: './controllers',
   AclPlugin: {
     acl: async (Acl) => {
       const redis = new Redis({ keyPrefix: 'acl_test' });

       await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
         redis.once('ready', resolve);
         redis.once('error', reject);

       return new Acl(new Acl.redisBackend(redis));
     uid: (ctx) => {
       // you uid code.
       return ctx.session.userId;

