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btskinner committed May 22, 2018
2 parents 19ba9b5 + adea8e9 commit 4f68283
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Showing 18 changed files with 30,827 additions and 39,907 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions .gitignore
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Expand Up @@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
# !_config_dev.yml
283 changes: 283 additions & 0 deletions _scripts/make_data.R
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@@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
## <PROJ> College Advising Map
## <FILE> make_data.R
## <AUTH> Benjamin Skinner
## <INIT> September 2017

## libraries
libs <- c('tidyverse', 'geojsonio', 'sp', 'rgdal', 'stringr')
lapply(libs, require, character.only = TRUE)

## paths
ddir <- '../assets/data'
jdir <- '../assets/js'
rdir <- file.path(ddir, '_raw')

## crosswalk
cw <- read_csv(file.path(ddir, 'stcrosswalk.csv'))


## slight modification of stringr::str_to_title
str_to_title_mod <- function(x) {
x <- str_to_title(x)
## Of --> of
x <- gsub(' Of ', ' of ', x, fixed = TRUE)
## And --> and
x <- gsub(' And ', ' and ', x, fixed = TRUE)
## The --> the
x <- gsub(' The ', ' the ', x, fixed = TRUE)
## A --> a
x <- gsub(' A ', ' a ', x, fixed = TRUE)

## write dataframe to JS array with no unnecessary whitespace
writeJSArray <- function(df, array_name, vars, outfile) {

df <- df[,names(df) %in% vars]
## maintain 1 index (JS is zero-index) for sanity
lines <- paste0(array_name,'=[{}')

for (i in 1:nrow(df)) {
## line <- paste0(array_name, '[', i, ']={')
line <- paste0('{')
for (v in 1:length(vars)) {
if (![i, grep(vars[v], names(df))])) {
if (v == 1) {
} else {
line <- paste0(line,',')
if (class(df[[vars[v]]]) == 'character') {
line <- paste0(line, vars[v], ':"',
df[i, grepl(vars[v], names(df))], '"')
} else {
line <- paste0(line, vars[v], ':',
df[i, grepl(vars[v], names(df))])

line <- paste0(line, '}')
if (i == nrow(df)) { line <- paste0(line, '];') }
lines <- c(lines,line)
writeLines(paste(lines, collapse = ','), outfile)


## -------------------------------------
## -------------------------------------

## read in school data
college <- read_csv(file.path(rdir, '')) %>%
setNames(tolower(names(.))) %>%
select(instnm, fips, sector, lon = longitud, lat = latitude) %>%
filter(sector %in% c(1,2,4,5),
fips %in% cw$stfips) %>%
mutate(lon = as.numeric(lon),
lat = as.numeric(lat),
cat = ifelse(sector == 1, 5,
ifelse(sector == 2, 6,
ifelse(sector == 4, 7,
ifelse(sector == 5, 8, 0))))) %>%
select(-sector) %>%

## -------------------------------------
## -------------------------------------

## read in school data
hs <- read_csv(file.path(rdir, 'school_level_clean_2.csv')) %>%
setNames(tolower(names(.))) %>%
instnm = school_name,
fips = school_state_fips,
lon = school_longitude,
lat = school_latitude,
enroltot = school_enrollment_total,
frlpct = school_frl_pct,
csr = school_student_counselor_ratio) %>%
mutate(fips = as.integer(fips)) %>%
filter(fips %in% cw$stfips) %>%
mutate(instnm = str_to_title_mod(instnm),
lon = as.numeric(lon),
lat = as.numeric(lat)) %>%

hs_imp <- hs %>%
group_by(fips) %>%
summarise(csr_mean = mean(csr, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%

## advising programs at school level
advise_tmp <- read_csv(file.path(rdir, 'advising_program_school_clean.csv')) %>%
setNames(tolower(names(.))) %>%
mutate(trio_subprogram = ifelse(trio_subprogram == 'N/A', NA,
trio_subprogram)) %>%
## need to make wide
arrange(nces_id) %>%
group_by(nces_id) %>%
mutate(count = seq(n())) %>%
rename(org_1 = organization_name,
div_1 = division_name,
tri_1 = trio_subprogram,
web_1 = website) %>%
mutate(org_2 = ifelse(count == 2, org_1, NA),
div_2 = ifelse(count == 2, div_1, NA),
tri_2 = ifelse(count == 2, tri_1, NA),
web_2 = ifelse(count == 2, web_1, NA),
org_3 = ifelse(count == 3, org_1, NA),
div_3 = ifelse(count == 3, org_1, NA),
tri_3 = ifelse(count == 3, org_1, NA),
web_3 = ifelse(count == 3, org_1, NA),
org_4 = ifelse(count == 4, org_1, NA),
div_4 = ifelse(count == 4, org_1, NA),
tri_4 = ifelse(count == 4, org_1, NA),
web_4 = ifelse(count == 4, org_1, NA),
org_5 = ifelse(count == 5, org_1, NA),
div_5 = ifelse(count == 5, org_1, NA),
tri_5 = ifelse(count == 5, org_1, NA),
web_5 = ifelse(count == 5, org_1, NA),
org_6 = ifelse(count == 6, org_1, NA),
div_6 = ifelse(count == 6, org_1, NA),
tri_6 = ifelse(count == 6, org_1, NA),
web_6 = ifelse(count == 6, org_1, NA),
org_7 = ifelse(count == 7, org_1, NA),
div_7 = ifelse(count == 7, org_1, NA),
tri_7 = ifelse(count == 7, org_1, NA),
web_7 = ifelse(count == 7, org_1, NA),
org_8 = ifelse(count == 8, org_1, NA),
div_8 = ifelse(count == 8, org_1, NA),
tri_8 = ifelse(count == 8, org_1, NA),
web_8 = ifelse(count == 8, org_1, NA))

advise <- advise_tmp %>%
filter(count == 1) %>%
select(nces_id, ends_with('_1')) %>%
left_join(advise_tmp %>%
filter(count == 2) %>%
select(nces_id, ends_with('_2')), by = 'nces_id') %>%
left_join(advise_tmp %>%
filter(count == 3) %>%
select(nces_id, ends_with('_3')), by = 'nces_id') %>%
left_join(advise_tmp %>%
filter(count == 4) %>%
select(nces_id, ends_with('_4')), by = 'nces_id') %>%
left_join(advise_tmp %>%
filter(count == 5) %>%
select(nces_id, ends_with('_5')), by = 'nces_id') %>%
left_join(advise_tmp %>%
filter(count == 6) %>%
select(nces_id, ends_with('_6')), by = 'nces_id') %>%
left_join(advise_tmp %>%
filter(count == 7) %>%
select(nces_id, ends_with('_7')), by = 'nces_id') %>%
left_join(advise_tmp %>%
filter(count == 8) %>%
select(nces_id, ends_with('_8')), by = 'nces_id') %>%
unite(advise_org, starts_with('org_'), sep = '|') %>%
mutate(advise_org = gsub('NA', '', advise_org)) %>%
unite(advise_div, starts_with('div_'), sep = '|') %>%
mutate(advise_div = gsub('NA', '', advise_div)) %>%
unite(advise_tri, starts_with('tri_'), sep = '|') %>%
mutate(advise_tri = gsub('NA', '', advise_tri)) %>%
unite(advise_web, starts_with('web_'), sep = '|') %>%
mutate(advise_web = gsub('NA', '', advise_web))

## merge into high school data
hs <- hs %>%
## left_join(dist) %>%
left_join(advise) %>%
left_join(hs_imp) %>%
select(-starts_with('nces_')) %>%
mutate(csr_flag = as.integer(,
csr = ifelse(, csr_mean, csr),
cat = ifelse(! & !, 1,
ifelse( & !, 2,
ifelse(! &, 3,
ifelse( &, 4, 0)))))

## -------------------------------------
## -------------------------------------

## advising programs at school level
community <- read_csv(file.path(rdir, 'advising_program_community_clean.csv')) %>%
setNames(tolower(names(.))) %>%
rename(advise_org = organization_name,
advise_div = division_name,
advise_web = website)

## get zipcode geo
zipgeo <- read_tsv(file.path(rdir, '')) %>%
setNames(tolower(names(.))) %>%
mutate(zip = geoid,
lon = intptlong,
lat = intptlat) %>%
select(zip, lon, lat)

## merge to community
community <- community %>%
left_join(zipgeo) %>%
mutate(cat = 9) %>%
## need to fix!


## bind
df <- bind_rows(college, hs, community) %>%
mutate(z = row_number(), # redundant id #
cat = as.integer(cat)) %>%
## rename for very small names
rename(a = cat, # a := category
b = instnm, # b := name
c = fips, # c := fips
d = enroltot, # d := enrollment (hs)
e = frlpct, # e := frpl pct (hs)
f = csr, # f := stu/cou ratio (hs)
g = csr_flag, # g := missing csr
h = zip, # h := zip code
i = advise_org, # i := organization name
j = advise_div, # h := division name
k = advise_tri, # i := trio subprogram
l = advise_web) # l := website

## split by schools/community and college
df_coll <- df %>% filter(a %in% c(5:8))
df_icon <- df %>% filter(a %in% c(0:4,9))

## set up as SP data frame
lonlat_coll <- df_coll %>% select(lon, lat) %>% as.matrix()
dfsp_coll <- SpatialPointsDataFrame(lonlat_coll, df_coll %>% select(z),
proj4string = CRS('+init=epsg:3857'))
lonlat_icon <- df_icon %>% select(lon, lat) %>% as.matrix()
dfsp_icon <- SpatialPointsDataFrame(lonlat_icon, df_icon %>% select(z),
proj4string = CRS('+init=epsg:3857'))

## write as geojson
geojson_write(input = dfsp_coll, file = file.path(ddir, 'college.geojson'))
geojson_write(input = dfsp_icon, file = file.path(ddir, 'icon.geojson'))

## write all data as minified JS
writeJSArray(df, 's', letters[1:12], file.path(jdir, 'all_icon_array.js'))

## =============================================================================

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