Utility to decrypt and encrypt secrets using AWS KMS keys
that also integrates with pydantic models which allows for
encrypted values to be stored in .env
files and be decrypted at runtime.
From PyPi:
$ pip install pydantic-kms-secrets
Encrypt a secret:
$ pks -k your-kms-key-id -v my-secret-password -e
Decrypt a secret:
$ pks -k your-kms-key-id -v your-encrypted-secret -d
Help docs:
$ pks --help
usage: pks [-h] [-k KEY_ID] -v VALUE [-e] [-d]
Tool to encrypt and decrypt secrets via a KMS key
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-k KEY_ID, --key-id KEY_ID
ID of the KMS key to use
-v VALUE, --value VALUE
The value to be encrypted
-e, --encrypt Set to encrypt value
-d, --decrypt Set to decrypt value
Pydantic KMS Secrets is able to integrate and add functionality on top of Pydantic's
dotenv extension by allowing you
to store encrypted values in your .env
files and decrypt them at runtime. A basic implementation
would look something like:
Pydantic Settings Model
from pydantic import BaseSettings
from pydantic_kms_secrets import KMSSecretStr, decrypt_kms_secrets
class Settings(BaseSettings):
env: str
secrets_kms_key_id: str # This model attribute must exist to decrypt secrets
kms_secret_1: KMSSecretStr
kms_secret_2: KMSSecretStr
class Config:
env_file = ".env"
# Don't forget to call decrypt_kms_secrets, if you don't the secrets will not be decrypted
settings = decrypt_kms_secrets(Settings())
SECRETS_KMS_KEY_ID="your-kms-key-id" # This environment variable must be set to decrypt secrets
KMSSecretStr Class
The KMSSecretStr
class is almost identical to the SecretStr
type in pydantic.
# This example uses the settings value from the python example above
# Standard access methods will not display the secret
#> env='prod' secrets_kms_key_id='your-kms-key-id' kms_secret_1=KMSSecretStr('**********') kms_secret_2=KMSSecretStr('**********')
#> **********
'env': 'prod',
'secret_kms_key_id': 'your-kms-key-id',
'kms_secret_1': KMSSecretStr('**********'),
'kms_secret_2': KMSSecretStr('**********'),
#> {"env": "prod", "secret_kms_key_id": "your-kms-key-id", "kms_secret_1": "**********", "kms_secret_2": "**********"}
# Use get_secret_value method to see the secret's content.
#> my-first-encrypted-secret
#> my-second-encrypted-secret