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This is a website and wiki for WPI AIAA. It is written in Python using Django.


To develop the site on your computer, you must first have Python 3.6 or greater installed. It is also strongly recommended that, if you don't have experience with it already, you go and learn Django first.

The first step is to clone the repository using Github desktop or whatever your preferred cloning method is. Following this, navigate to the project directory wpi-aiaa-site and open a command prompt or powershell window.

First you must create a virtual environment. This can be done with the following command.

python -m venv env

Next, start your virtual environment. After you do this, you should see (env) at the start of each command line. You will need to do this every time you want to run the test server.

On Windows

cd env/Scripts
cd ../..

On Linux or Mac

source env/bin/activate

Next install the python dependencies using the following command.

pip install -r requirements.txt

For easier debugging, enable DEBUG in the settings. To do this, navigate to wpiaiaasite/wpiaiaasite/ and set DEBUG to True.
Do not push this change to the server as this would create a security issue.

Next, enter the wpiaiaasite directory and initialize the database.

cd wpiaiaasite
python migrate

You should now be able to run the test server. This hosts the website on your local machine for development.

python runserver

Deploying to

To deploy to, you must first be on a computer on WPI's network. You can either use a physical on campus computer or use remote desktop to connect to a virtual machine like Once on a computer, open powershell (command prompt does not work for this) and enter the following command to ssh into Before deploying, ensure that DEBUG is set to False!


When prompted, enter the admin password.

Next, enter the website directory.

cd wpi-aiaa-site

Setting up SSH

If you haven't deployed before you will need to setup a SSH key on your GitHub account and in the project to access the repo from the server. Generate your key with your GitHub email.

$ ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C ""

You will be prompted to enter a location to save the key Enter file in which to save the key (/home/aiaasite/.ssh/id_ed25519):. Enter your name as the file name.


You may use a passphrase if you wish, just be sure to keep track of it. To add the key to your account copy the contents of to

cat ~/.ssh/

Pulling changes and updating the server

First you must set your SSH key as the active key. To add the SSH key to the agent, activate the agent.

eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"

Then add your key into the agent.

ssh-add ~/.ssh/yourname

From here, pull all of your changes from Github.

git pull

In some cases, there may have been changes on the server. You can force pull using the following commands. Note, this overwrites anything on the server. Save any changes you actually want to keep

git fetch --all
git reset --hard origin/master

Next collect all static files that have been changed. To do this, you must activate the virtual environment.

source AIAAvenv/bin/activate
cd wpiaiaasite
python collectstatic

Finally, restart the server to load your changes.

sudo service apache2 restart

After this, your changes should be live. Check your work by going to