Releases: noush-joglekar/scisorseqr
Releases · noush-joglekar/scisorseqr
- Updated function docs
- Updated vignettes to include new AllInfo + Incomplete (zipped) format, and additional arguments for rm-ing tmp files etc.
- Changed 'sh' to 'bash' for platform compatibility
- Fixed non-specific string matching in InfoPerLongRead bc it was messing up SRA file processing
- Fixed readID-extraction in GetBarcodes() to allow for non-standard file format e.g. SRA
- DiffSplicingAnalysis with 'Exon' option now done w exon string, not index
- Absolute path instead of pwd for MMalign
- tri heatmap viz generalized for exons
- Exon counting was messed up because of an "&&" call and type issue within R
- multithreaded writing instead of appending for exonQuant
- minor changes to reflect downstream case sensitive function
- "&" taken out of minimap script to make it unix friendly
Pushing new version
Newest changes to package - Updated ExonQuant script to make it more memory efficient - Deleted unwanted files - Fixed ggplot dependency issues