***NOTE JAY pointed out I need to modify the "VAR" variables in the Car, Civic, Vehicle and Truck classes to work as protected ****
- Demonstrates STRATEGY Design Pattern
- Demonstrates PHP Unit Test
- PHP Composer
- AUTOLOADs Classes
- Package Dependency Manager
- Src/
- index.php - Test File
- Vehicle/
- Vehicle.php
- VehicleInterface.php
- Car.php
- Civic.php
- Truck.php
- Tests/
- test_boostrap.php (Sets Test Error Environment)
- Conf/
- phpunit.xml (Unit Testing Config)
- Src/
- Vehicle/
- CarTest.php
- CivicTest.php
- TruckTest.php
- Vehicle/
- [[code_coverage_report]]/ - .gitignored
- (Used for Unit Testing Output)
- [[Vendors]]/ - .gitignored
- (Used for Composer Autoload and Packages)
- composer.json
- bootstrap.php
- README.md (this document)