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OpenCL for Node.js

This is a part of Node3D project.


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npm i opencl-raub


Node.js addon with OpenCL bindings.

Note: this addon uses N-API, and therefore is ABI-compatible across different Node.js versions. Addon binaries are precompiled and there is no compilation step during the npm i command.

  • Exposes low-level OpenCL interface, native-like functions.

The API is very close to the low-level one, although there are minor changes when it comes to lengths and, of course, pointers.


This is a rather low level interface, where most of the stuff is directly reflecting OpenCL interfaces.

  1. Import the module:
    const cl = require('opencl-raub');
  2. Fetch the CL control objects:
    const platform = cl.getPlatformIDs()[0];
    const devices = cl.getDeviceIDs(platform, cl.DEVICE_TYPE_ALL);
    const context = cl.createContext([cl.CONTEXT_PLATFORM, platform], devices);
    const device = cl.getContextInfo(context, cl.CONTEXT_DEVICES)[0];
    const queue = cl.createCommandQueue(context, device, null);
  3. Prepare the data input/output buffers:
    const BUFFER_SIZE = 10;
    const arrayA = new Uint32Array(BUFFER_SIZE);
    const arrayB = new Uint32Array(BUFFER_SIZE);
    const arrayC = new Uint32Array(BUFFER_SIZE);
    for (let i = 0; i < BUFFER_SIZE; i++) {
    	arrayA[i] = i;
    	arrayB[i] = i * 2;
    // Create buffer for arrayA and arrayB and copy host contents
    const bufferA = cl.createBuffer(context, cl.MEM_READ_ONLY, BYTE_SIZE);
    const bufferB = cl.createBuffer(context, cl.MEM_READ_ONLY, BYTE_SIZE);
    // Create buffer for arrayC to read results
    const bufferC = cl.createBuffer(context, cl.MEM_WRITE_ONLY, BYTE_SIZE);
  4. Create a valid CL program, e.g. from source:
    const program = cl.createProgramWithSource(context, `
    	__kernel void vadd(__global int *a, __global int *b, __global int *c, uint num) {
    		size_t i = get_global_id(0);
    		if(i >= num) return;
    		c[i] = a[i] + b[i];
  5. Fetch and setup a kernel from within the program:
    // Create a kernel object
    let kernel = cl.createKernel(program, 'vadd');
    // Set kernel args
    cl.setKernelArg(kernel, 0, 'uint*', bufferA);
    cl.setKernelArg(kernel, 1, 'uint*', bufferB);
    cl.setKernelArg(kernel, 2, 'uint*', bufferC);
    cl.setKernelArg(kernel, 3, 'uint', BUFFER_SIZE);
  6. Launch the kernel and then read the results:
    // Do the work
    cl.enqueueWriteBuffer(queue, bufferA, true, 0, BYTE_SIZE, arrayA);
    cl.enqueueWriteBuffer(queue, bufferB, true, 0, BYTE_SIZE, arrayB);
    cl.enqueueNDRangeKernel(queue, kernel, 1, null, [BUFFER_SIZE], null);
    cl.enqueueReadBuffer(queue, bufferC, true, 0, BYTE_SIZE, arrayC);
  7. See if it worked:
    console.log(`A = [${arrayA.join(', ')}]`);
    console.log(`B = [${arrayB.join(', ')}]`);
    console.log(`C = [${arrayC.join(', ')}]`);
  8. Release the CL objects:

See examples for more details. The full code of the above example is available here.

API Notes

The methods, returning cl_int values of CL error codes, would return a number to JS. That number may be checked against cl.SUCCESS and other error codes.

The returned object types (Platform, Context, Event, etc.) are wrappers around CL resource ids, that can be passed to further CL method calls.

Most of the method arguments comply to the original C-style spec, some parameters are omitted due to JS specifics. For example, passing an array, you don't need to specify the length. The specific set of parameters for each method is documented below, so it can be compared to the original spec, when in doubt.

For enqueueXXX() methods, you can pass hasEvent = true (the last argument). In this case an Event is returned, it can be used to coordinate calls, profiling etc.

Exported Methods