Separated module from NimGL. In order to mantain small sized modules to facilitate development and reduce number of required modules.
Some developers do not require the entire bundle of APIs that NimGL offer, and so, prefere to only download the required modules.
You can install this package through the official package manager of Nim.
$ nimble install
In order to respect already existing libraries in the package registry, and because NimGL already exists in there, this package is only able to be accesible by direct git url.
$ git clone --recursive -j8
$ cd opengl
$ nimble install
$ nimble install nimgl
You can find more information in the main repo.
It is currently being developed and tested on
- Windows 10
- MacOS Mojave
- Linux Ubuntu 18.10
I'm only one person and I use this library almost daily for school and personal projects. If you are missing some extension, procedures, bindings or anything related feel free to PR them or open an Issue with the specification and if you can some examples to have an idea on how to implement it. Thank you so much 🎉
Please open all issues in the main repository. The PRs and new feature development will occur in each binding's repo.
import opengl
# Create a context (GLFW recommended)
if glInit():
echo "OpenGL loaded correctly."
glClearColor(0.68f, 1f, 0.34f, 1f)
# You can load extensions
if glSpecializeShaderARB == nil:
echo "Extension not available"
Check out the references and doc in order to understand OpenGL usage.
NimGL is open source and is under the MIT License, we highly encourage every developer that uses it to make improvements and fork them here.
Thank you to every contributor that has spent their time improving this library.