This is different Repo than the Official PhantomSDR Repo
We offer more features as we only maintain support for Linux instead of the official repo
- Futuristic Design
- Decoders
- Band Plan in the Waterfall
- Statistics
- Better Colorsmap
- A different WebSDR List (
- More to come
- If you face issues try to run it on Ubuntu, as most was tested on Ubuntu
- WebSDR which can handle multiple hundreds of users depending on the Hardware
- Common demodulation modes
- Can handle high sample rate SDRs (70MSPS real, 35MSPS IQ)
- Support for both IQ and real data
- Ryzen 5 2600 - All Cores - RX888 MKii with 64MHZ Sample Rate, 32MHZ IQ takes up 38-40% - per User it takes about nothing, 50 Users dont even take 1% of the CPU.
- RX 580 - RX888 MKII with 64MHZ Sample Rate, 32MHZ IQ takes up 28-35% - same as the Ryzen per User it takes about nothing (should handle many)
Optional dependencies such as cuFFT or clFFT can be installed too.
apt install build-essential cmake pkg-config meson libfftw3-dev libwebsocketpp-dev libflac++-dev zlib1g-dev libzstd-dev libboost-all-dev libopus-dev libliquid-dev git psmisc
dnf install g++ meson cmake fftw3-devel websocketpp-devel flac-devel zlib-devel boost-devel libzstd-devel opus-devel liquid-dsp-devel git
Restart your Terminal after you ran otherwise it wont work..
git clone --recursive
cd PhantomSDR-Plus
chmod +x *.sh
sudo ./
git clone --recursive
cd PhantomSDR-Plus
meson build --optimization 3
meson compile -C build
Remember to set the frequency and sample rate correctly. Default html directory is 'html/', change it with the htmlroot
option in config.toml.
rtl_sdr -f 145000000 -s 3200000 - | ./build/spectrumserver --config config.toml
rx_sdr -f 145000000 -s 20000000 -d driver=hackrf - | ./build/spectrumserver --config config.toml
Some need Soapy and RX_TOOLS installed else they do not work, e.g. Airspy Discovery and SDRPlay RSP1A. I also added psutils as it's needed for killall command. Do not forget to disable opencl if you didn't install it, it's recommened you do. -- Bas ON5HB