Student Self-Dependency Platform Introduction The Student Self-Dependency Platform is a web and mobile application designed to connect students (ages 16-17 and above) with part-time job opportunities. The platform aims to help students in Bangladesh become financially independent by offering them flexible job opportunities while they study. This system allows employers to post part-time or short-term job opportunities, and students can apply based on their skills and interests.
Problem Statement In many countries, students work part-time to support their education and daily expenses. However, in Bangladesh, there is a gap between students seeking part-time jobs and employers looking for flexible labor. This platform bridges that gap by allowing students to earn while studying, promoting financial independence.
Features Two User Groups:
Students: Can create profiles, list their skills, and apply for jobs. Employers: Can post job listings, view student profiles, and hire them for part-time work. Job Listings: A searchable board where employers can post part-time job opportunities for students.
Profile Management: Both students and employers can create and manage their profiles.
Search & Filter: Students can search for jobs based on location, job type, and required skills.
Messaging: A basic communication system for students and employers to discuss job details.
Tech Stack Frontend: React.js or Next.js (for dynamic UI development) HTML5/CSS3/JavaScript (for the basic structure and styling) Responsive Design: The website and app will be optimized for mobile and desktop devices. Backend (Future Plans): Node.js or Django for backend development Firebase or MongoDB for managing user data and job listings JWT or OAuth for user authentication Version Control: Git for version control. GitHub for repository hosting. Installation Clone the repository:
bash Copy code git clone Navigate to the project directory:
bash Copy code cd student-self-dependency-platform Install dependencies:
bash Copy code npm install Start the development server:
bash Copy code npm run dev Open the app in your browser:
bash Copy code http://localhost:3000 Contribution Guidelines Contributions are welcome! Please open a pull request for any enhancements or fixes.
How to Contribute: Fork the repository. Create a feature branch: bash Copy code git checkout -b feature-name Commit your changes: bash Copy code git commit -m "Add feature" Push to your branch: bash Copy code git push origin feature-name Create a pull request. License This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.
Contact For any questions or suggestions, feel free to reach out:
Email: LinkedIn: Your LinkedIn Profile This will give your project a professional and structured start, jan! 😄 Let me know if you want to add any other sections.