PauliStrings.jl is a Julia package for many-body quantum mechanics with Pauli string represented as binary integers. It is particularly adapted for running Lanczos, time evolving noisy systems and simulating spin systems on arbitrary graphs. Paper :
using Pkg; Pkg.add(PauliStrings)
or ] add PauliStrings
Import the library and initialize a operator of 4 qubits
using PauliStrings
import PauliStrings as ps
H = ps.Operator(4)
Add a Pauli strings to the operator
H += "XYZ1"
H += "1YZY"
julia> H
(1.0 - 0.0im) XYZ1
(1.0 - 0.0im) 1YZY
Add a Pauli string with a coeficient
H += -1.2,"XXXZ" #coeficient can be complex
Add a 2-qubit string coupling qubits i and j with X and Y:
H += 2, "X", i, "Y", j # with a coeficient=2
H += "X", i, "Y", j # with a coeficient=1
Add a 1-qubit string:
H += 2, "Z", i # with a coeficient=2
H += "Z", i # with a coeficient=1
H += "S+", i
Supported sites operators are X
, Y
, Z
, Sx
The Operator type supports the +,-,* operators with other Operators and Numbers:
H3 = H1*H2
H3 = H1+H2
H3 = H1-H2
H3 = H1+2 # adding a scalar is equivalent to adding the unit times the scalar
H = 5*H # multiply operator by a scalar
Trace : ps.trace(H)
Frobenius norm : ps.opnorm(H)
Conjugate transpose : ps.dagger(H)
Number of terms: length(H)
Commutator:, H2)
. This is much faster than H1*H2-H2*H1
shows a list of terms with coeficients e.g :
julia> println(H)
(10.0 - 0.0im) 1ZZ
(5.0 - 0.0im) 1Z1
(15.0 + 0.0im) XYZ
(5.0 + 0.0im) 1YY
Export a list of strings with coeficients:
coefs, strings = ps.op_to_strings(H)
removes Pauli strings longer than M (returns a new Operator)
removes Pauli strings with coeficient smaller than c in absolute value (returns a new Operator)
keeps the first N trings with higest weight (returns a new Operator)
keeps terms with probability 1-exp(-alpha*abs(c)) (returns a new Operator)
adds depolarizing noise that make each strings decay like trim
to keep the number of strings manageable during time evolution.
ps.rk4(H, O, dt; hbar=1, heisenberg=false)
performs a step of Runge Kutta and returns the new updated O(t+dt)
H can be an Operator, or a function that takes a time and return an Operator. In case H is a function, a time also needs to be passed to rk4(H, O, dt, t)
. O is an Observable or a density matrix to time evolve.
If evolving an observable in the heisenberg picture, set heisenberg=true
An example is in time_evolve_example.jl
The following will time evolve O in the Heisenberg picture. At each step, we add depolarizing noise and trim the operator to keep the number of strings manageable
function evolve(H, O, M, times, noise)
dt = times[2]-times[1]
for t in times
O = ps.rk4(H, O, dt; heisenberg=true, M=M) #preform one step of rk4, keep only M strings
O = ps.add_noise(O, noise*dt) #add depolarizingn noise
O = ps.trim(O, M) # keep the M strings with the largest weight
return O
Time evolution of the spin correlation function
Compute lanczos coeficients
bs = ps.lanczos(H, O, steps, nterms)
: Hamiltonian
: starting operator
: maximum number of terms in the operator. Used by trim at every step
Results for X in XX from :
For questions and suggestions :
title={Quantum many-body simulations with PauliStrings.jl},
author={Nicolas Loizeau and J. Clayton Peacock and Dries Sels},