This repository contains the working files of data and code for our paper:
Stephens, L., D. Fuller, N. Boivin, T. Rick, N. Gauthier, A. Kay, B. Marwick, and the ArchaeoGLOBE project (2019). Archaeological assessment reveals Earth’s early transformation through land use. Science
The files that produced the published results are also archived at
Please cite this compendium using the archival URL (and not a GitHub URL):
Gauthier, N. and Marwick, B., (2019). Compendium of R code and data for ‘Archaeological assessment reveals Earth’s early transformation through land use’. Accessed 15 Nov 2018. Online at
You can view the results of the analysis online here:
You can run the code in your browser (no download or install required) by launching Binder
You can download the compendium as a zip from from this URL:
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$ docker run -dp 8787:8787 -e PASSWORD=rstudio -e ROOT=TRUE benmarwick/archaeoglobe
Then open your web browser at localhost:8787
or or run docker-machine ip default
in the shell to find the correct IP address, and log in with rstudio/rstudio. More information about using RStudio in Docker is avaiable at the Rocker wiki pages.
Text and figures : CC-BY-4.0
Code : See the DESCRIPTION file
Data : CC-0 attribution requested in reuse
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