A simple plugin that allows you to sit on the stairs and make your gaming experience prettier!
Warning: This plugin was created using Spigot 1.8.8 and only supports versions up to 1.19.2
(Compatibility updates will be made in the future if possible)
The plugin will work as soon as it is inserted on the server and allows you to sit on any type of stairs.
The only executable command is the one that allows you to reload the configuration file, containing various messages that you can customize.
It is also possible to change the sounds that are played when a chair is occupied
prefix: "&aLittle&6Chairs &e> "
occupied_msg: "&cChair Occupied!"
occupied_sound: "ENTITY_VILLAGER_HURT"
enable_sounds: true
reload_msg: "&bConfiguration Reloaded!"
no_permission: "&cPermission Denied!"
invalid_sound: "&cThe sound for the chairs was not found!"
Note: the default sound is set for version 1.8.8, if you are using another version you will need to find the corresponding sound
Any contribution to the project is really appreciated. Feel free to fork the project and commit your changes!