An audio player GUI with yt_dlp integration, made in python using PySide6.
Right-click any song to edit its data in the table:
Middle-click any song to trim the beginning/end:
- Python 3.11
- Windows or Linux
pip install -r requirements.txt
Can be launched via terminal, or a shortcut pre-configured for the desired folder:
> <parent folder path>\PyAudioPlayer\AudioPlayer.pyw <music folder path>
Target: <parent folder path>\PyAudioPlayer\AudioPlayer.pyw <music folder path>
Start In: <parent folder path>
By default any .mp3 and .wav files in the music folder will be loaded.
Update: 4/11/2024 This is also accessible via a button on the bottom-right corner of the GUI:
This utility uses the normalize effect from pydub to target a more uniform volume across audio files. Once a file has been normalize a tag is added to its metadata ("Norm=True"), which allows it to be ignored in the future.
>python .\PyAudioPlayer\ <music folder path>
Ex: 3 files were already normalized of 16 total
Checking 16 file(s)...
100%|████████████████████████████████████████████████| 13/13 [00:22<00:00, 1.70it/s]
Done, normalized: 13 files
from utils import volume_normalizer
volume_normalizer(<music folder path>, <optional list of specific songs>)