3.0 Milestone 1
Pre-releaseo Primary index annotations are picked up on the whole class class hierarchy, not only on leaf class. Fixes #332.
o Support Neo4j 3.1.2
o Fixes issue where the X-Write header is wrong on read-only transactions first request. Fixes #323.
o Improve test infrastructure. Test servers are now reused when possible.
o Exclude slf4j-nop from transitive dependencies.
o Improve identity handling and allow custom id generation (introduce new annotations @id and @generated). #344.
o Performance improvements when loading large number of relationships. #327.
o Use fast-classpath-scanner to read mapping metadata. #327.
o Look for primary indexes on class hierarchy and not only on leaf class. Fixes #332.
o Removed username/password from logging. Fixes #330.
o Improve the way configuration works. #346.
o Filters are now immutable. #345.