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Alessio Rocco edited this page Apr 19, 2017 · 1 revision

Connection are apps/services that can send and receive data from Cangaroo. Each connection must have these fields:

  • name - (required, String) A generic name for this connection
  • url - (required, String) The url where Cangaroo pushes the data
  • key - (required, String) It's used for authentication (used to check the request's 'X-Hub-Store' header)
  • token - (required, String) It's used for authentication (used to check the request's 'X-Hub-Access-Token' header)

And optionally:

  • basic_auth - (optional, Boolean) Defaults to false. If you would like to use HTTP basic auth in your integration instead of Wombat's key + token. Basic auth is handled Stripe-style, without a username using key as your password.
  • parameters - (optional, Hash) Used as parameters when Cangaroo makes a request to this connection

For now we don't have a Web GUI so you have to create the connection on your own by running the code somewhere on your server, for example from the Rails console:

    name: 'mystore',
    url: '',
    key: 'puniethahquoe5aisefoh9ci0Shuaniemei6jahx',
    token: 'ahsh8phuezu3xuhohs6kai5vaB1tae0wiy1shohp',
    parameters: {
      'channel': 'mysubstore'
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