Clojure library to provide safety guard to your application. Some of the functionality is wrapper over Failsafe., is itself a fork of diehard
Note that from 0.7 diehard-async uses Clojure 1.9 and spec.alpha for
configuration validation. Clojure 1.8 users could stick with diehard-async
A quick example for diehard-async usage.
A retry block will re-execute inner forms when retry criteria matches.
(require '[diehard-async.core :as dh])
(dh/with-retry {:retry-on TimeoutException
:max-retries 3}
A circuit breaker will track the execution of inner block and skip execution if the open condition triggered.
(require '[diehard-async.core :as dh])
(defcircuitbreaker my-cb {:failure-threshold-ratio [8 10]
:delay-ms 1000})
(dh/with-circuit-breaker my-cb
(dh/with-circuit-breaker {:circuit-breaker my-cb :async :default}
{:circuit-breaker my-cb :async :execution}
(fn [^AsyncExecution execution]
{:on-result #(.recordResult execution %)
:on-exception #(.recordException execution %)})))
A rate limiter protects your code block to run limited times per second. It will block or throw exception depends on your configuration.
(require '[diehard-async.core :as dh])
(defratelimiter my-rl {:rate 100})
(dh/with-rate-limiter my-rl
Bulkhead allows you to limit concurrent execution on a code block.
(require '[diehard-async.core :as dh])
;; at most 10 threads can run the code block concurrently
(defbulkhead my-bh {:concurrency 10})
(dh/with-bulkhead my-bh
Timeouts allow you to fail an execution with TimeoutExceededException
if it takes too long to complete
(require '[diehard-async.core :as dh])
(with-timeout {:timeout-ms 5000}
(dh/with-retry {:retry-on Exception
:max-retries 3
:on-retry (fn [val ex] (prn "retrying..."))
:on-failure (fn [_ _] (prn "failed..."))
:on-failed-attempt (fn [_ _] (prn "failed attempt"))
:on-success (fn [_] (prn "did it! success!"))}
(throw (ex-info "not good" {:not "good"})))
"failed attempt"
"failed attempt"
"failed attempt"
"failed attempt"
Execution error (ExceptionInfo) at main.user$eval27430$reify__27441/get (form-init6791465293873302710.clj:7).
not good