- 👋 Hi, I’m @mzararahmed (Zarar Ahmed)
- 👀 Having multiple years of experience working on web and mobile development technologies. Currently I work as a Fullstack JavaScript Engineer, developing and delivering products related to carbon emissions, green environment, PCF(Product Carbon footprint), philanthropy, volunteering and story-telling. My job responsibilities include gathering technical and functional requirements and also writing fun code and delivering it via deployments. In short, making sure customers have seamless access to our products.
Previously, I worked as a React developer focused on creating interactive and beautiful pages and sites that keep customers hooked with what we have to show, using data visualization tools and the power of Single-page applications.
I like to learn new technologies and combine existing ones in my tech arsenal which makes way for diversifying and exploring new ways of using technologies.
Competencies: Data Visualization, JavaScript, React, Vue, Deployments
- 🌱 I’m currently learning AWS Infrastructure services and Angular
- 💞️ I’m looking to collaborate on all kinds of open source projects.
- 📫 Reach me out at md.zarar.ahmed@gmail.com on gmail or skype.