Daemon to read impulses or 1-wire sensors on GPIO ports of an RespberryPI and send the result to the volkszaehler.org middle-ware.
- Non blocking IO (thanks to NodeJs) - the daemon will not miss signals, while sending to the middle-ware
- You can configure how often you want to send results to the middle-ware
- supports impulse sensors and 1-wire sensors
- For Impulse inputs
- You don't need special io-board to count S0 like sensors, because you can connect them directly to your GPIO port. If you sensors work with a voltage different to 3.3V you can't connect them to the RaspberryPI without an extra circuit!
- You can configure an software debounce timeout per channel
- Configure the edge to watch for (rising, falling or both)
- For 1-wire sensors
- You can connect the sensors to the GPIO port without an extra 1-wire busmaster chip
This is an very basic example with an push button as sensor. In the real world you would replace the button with a sensor of your choice.
wget http://nodejs.org/dist/v0.10.22/node-v0.10.22-linux-arm-pi.tar.gz
tar xvzf node-v0.10.22-linux-arm-pi.tar.gz
sudo mkdir /opt/node
sudo cp -r node-v0.10.22-linux-arm-pi/* /opt/node
sudo nano /etc/profile
and replaceexport PATH
export PATH
install quick2wire-gpio-admin https://github.com/quick2wire/quick2wire-gpio-admin
git clone https://github.com/quick2wire/quick2wire-gpio-admin.git
cd quick2wire-gpio-admin
sudo make install
cd /opt/
sudo git clone https://github.com/mvoehringer/gpioLogger.git
cd /opt/gpioLogger
- `sudo npm config set registry http://registry.npmjs.org/
sudo npm install
- create you config.js file by copying the config.template.js file.
cp config.template.js config.js
- edit the config.js file
- now you can start
and try if everything works as expected.
var config = {
channels: [
// URL to log to http://HOST:PORT/middleware.php/data/CHANNELID.json
url: "http://localhost/middleware.php/data/fbfe8d2f-ef6b-4ea1-94d0-b9ebaec4545a.json",
// interval in seconds to wirte the values to the middleware
interval: 15,
impulse : {
// The pulse generating edge: 'rising', 'falling' or 'both'.
edge: 'rising',
// software debounce a button or switch using a timeout. Specified in milliseconds
debounceTimeout: 0,
// GPIO port nummber, not the pin nummner
gpioPort: 17,
module.exports = config;
- At the moment, only DS1820 sensors are supported, maybe other sensors will work as well, but i only have a DS1820 for testing
- All sensors have to be connected to GPIO4, this is a limitation of the w1-gpio kernel module and will hopefully be removed in the future
- try to load the kernel modules
sudo modprobe w1-gpio pullup=1
sudo modprobe w1-therm
- if you want to load the modules at reboot, add two lines to /etc/modules
w1-gpio pullup=1
- Configure config.js
var config = {
channels: [
// to activate 1wire sensors, connect you sensor to GPIO4 and activate the 1wire kernel
// modules, see https://github.com/mvoehringer/gpioLogger for more infos
// URL to log to http://HOST:PORT/middleware.php/data/CHANNELID.json
url: "http://localhost/middleware.php/data/fbfe8d2f-ef6b-4ea1-94d0-b9ebaec4545b.json",
// interval in seconds to wirte the values to the middleware
interval: 15,
oneWire : {
// sensor device numnber, you can finde the numner by enter
// ls /sys/bus/w1/devices/
// on the command line
device: '10-000802b47b33',
// ignore values
// sometimes sensores will return unwanted values for example while initial
ignore: [ 85.00, ],
// at the moment only 'DS18S20' tempature sensors are supported
type: 'DS18S20'
module.exports = config;
sudo useradd -m -G gpio gpiologger
- copy init script to startup gpioLogger after reboot
sudo cp -a debian/gpiologger.sh /etc/init.d/gpiologger
- create folder for logfiles
sudo mkdir /var/log/gpiologger
sudo chown gpiologger: /var/log/gpiologger
sudo /opt/node/bin/npm install forever -g
sudo update-rc.d gpiologger defaults
The best way to monitor you setup is to start the gpioLogger daemon via the command line.
- make sure the gpiologger is not running
sudo /etc/init.d/gpiologger stop
cd /opt/gpiologger
- ```./gpiologger.js``
- Now you should see messages as soon as the gpiologger receives the first data
- make sure the gpiologger is not running
If you see errors like this, you have permissions problems!
return binding.open(pathModule._makeLong(path), stringToFlags(flags), mode);
Error: EACCES, permission denied '/sys/class/gpio/gpio5/direction'
To solve this, please see https://github.com/fivdi/onoff for more infos.