Example of WebAuthn for a presentation.
git clone https://github.com/mvndaai/webauthn_demo.git
pushd webauthn_demo
docker build -t webauthndemo . && docker run -p -it webauthndemo -port :8080 -origin https://example.com
Note: port and origin should match your configuration
go get -v ./...
go run . -port :8080 -origin https://example.com
Note: port and origin should match your configuration
And you can use Telebit to make it avaliable outside localhost:
telebit http 8080 webauthn
> Forwarding https://webauthn.YOURDOMAIN.telebit.io -> localhost:8080
Chrome has flags that my need to be enabled. Paste this into the omnibar:
MacOS Touch ID: chrome://flags/#enable-web-authentication-touch-id
- Duo Labs golang code
- Google https://webauthndemo.appspot.com/ (java code)
- WebAuthn org https://webauthn.org
- Yubico https://demo.yubico.com/webauthn/