GUI app created with Python. It allows you to find the five most common words in the text and convert the text to a mp3 file.
GUI allows to find the 5 common words in the text (.txt, .pdf and .docx files) including or excluding stop words (English, German, Spanish, French, Italian). Those words can be saved as a .txt file or in a SQL database. The whole text can be converted to .mp3 file.
To run this project, install it locally:
$ git clone
After you clone this repo to your desktop, go to its root directory, add batabaseconfig file, install requirements and run application.
$ cd text_reader
$ echo mysql_connect = {"host": "localhost","user": "USER","passwd": "YOUR_PASSWORD",} > text_reader/
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ python
Project is created with:
- Python version: 3.9
- tkinter version: 8.6
- argcomplete version: 1.10.3
- beautifulsoup4 version: 4.8.2
- certifi version: 2021.5.30
- chardet version: 3.0.4
- charset-normalizer version: 2.0.6
- click version: 8.0.1
- colorama version: 0.4.4
- compressed-rtf version: 1.0.6
- docx2txt version: 0.8
- ebcdic version: 1.1.1
- EbookLib version: 0.17.1
- extract-msg version: 0.28.7
- gTTS version: 2.2.3
- idna version: 3.2
- IMAPClient version: 2.1.0
- joblib version: 1.1.0
- lxml version: 4.6.3
- mysql-connector version: 2.2.9
- nltk version: 3.6.3
- olefile version: 0.46
- pdfminer.six version: 20191110
- Pillow version: 8.3.2
- pycryptodome version: 3.10.4
- python-pptx version: 0.6.21
- regex version: 2021.9.30
- requests version: 2.26.0
- six version: 1.12.0
- sortedcontainers version: 2.4.0
- soupsieve version: 2.2.1
- SpeechRecognition version: 3.8.1
- textract version: 1.6.4
- tqdm version: 4.62.3
- tzdata version: 2021.2.post0
- tzlocal version: 3.0
- urllib3 version: 1.26.7
- xlrd version: 1.2.0
- XlsxWriter version: 3.0.1