A Full Stack Developer
I have rich experience in flutter, nextjs and nestjs/asp.net with graphql and rest api.
Dart | Javascript / Typescript | C# | Flutter | Firebase | NodeJS | NestJS | NextJS | ASP.Net | DevOps
⚡ More info visit my official page.
Profile | Education | My Skill | Working Experiences | Language | Languages and Tools
Hi There👋, My name is Kimhak Long. I have 3+ years experiences with front-end and back-end development and achieved more than 5+ various services/application projects using Flutter, NestJS, NextJS, ASP.NET with language Dart, Javascript, Typescript and C#.
I always keep up to date, challenge with new technologies and using Agile methodology in development project(Jira). I have also contributed in open-source on GitHub, Pub.dev, NPM and Nuget. I like to build flutter, nextjs, nestjs and asp.net core to make development process fast as much as possible. Moreover, I love building my own component libraries for reusable across projects. My skill is set up front-end/back-end architecture which are powerful with popular framework to ensure project started up with clean structure by using Strong Type language with null safety and test cover with unit test, integration test and UI test to ensure all functionalities working properly and the project can progress with predicable time, maintainable and scalable. For consistency and code error handling, I have using tools such as Eslint, Pretty, StyleLint, SonarLint and Webpack with code minify and splitting to optimize bundle size to care about the performance of applications and improve user experiences with SEO(Search Engine Optimization) (SSR NextJS).
- Khmer: Native
- English: Proficiency
Computer Science & Engineering: - RUPP
Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science and Engineering (2017-2021) -
Flutter Mobile Development: - Angkor Dev
I have successfully completed a Flutter mobile development course (2019-2020) -
Mobile App Development: – CKCC
Scholarship with basic and advance level of Native Android (2018-2019)
Backend: ['Express Typescript/Javascript', 'Nodejs', 'NestJs','ASP.NET'],
DB Management: ['MongoDB', 'Postgres', 'Firebase', 'SQL Server','Redis', 'MySql'],
Frontend: ['React Typescript/Javascript', 'NextJs','ASP.NET', 'Flutter'],
State Management: ['Bloc','Context','Apollo GraphQl'],
Frontend UI: ['Html5', 'Vuexy', 'DevExpress', 'Bootstrap 5', 'Tailwind Css', 'Material UI', 'Css3', 'Sass'],
Tools Build Library: ['WebPack', 'Gulp', 'Npm', 'Yarn', 'Bun'],
Tools Test: ['Jest'],
Tools Design: ['Adobe XD', 'Figma'],
Common Library: ['Axios', 'hook useRequest', ''],
Tools Lint: ['Eslint' , 'Pretty' , 'StyleLint'],
Tools Dev: ['vs code', 'postman','graphl playground', 'jira' , 'Trello'],
Cloud: ['Vercel','AWS', 'Digital Ocean', 'Google Cloud','Github Page'],
Basic Languages: ['Dart', 'Javascript', 'Typescript', 'C#'],
My OpenSource Project: ['Icons Launcher','S3 File Provider'],
Others: ['RabbitMQ','MQTT', 'Socket.io','Websocket' ,'Kafka', 'Graphql', 'Docker', 'gRPC']
J Trust Royal Bank:
Senior Web App Developer - 2022 - PresentI am currently working at JTrust Royal Bank located in Phnom Penh to build various projects/services using ASP.NET, NodeJs and Flutter for internal usage.
Skills & Tools: ASP.NET, C#, NodeJs, Flutter, Docker, SQL Server, Postgres, Jira, AWS and other tools
Advice Tech Solution:
Mobile and Backend API Developer - 2019 - 2022I was build various projects/microservices using Flutter for mobile app and NestJS for microservices backend GraphQL API.
Skills & Tools: Flutter, NestJs, RabbitMQ, MQTT, MongoDB, Redis, Websocket and Docker
Green Life:
Graphic Designer - 2017 - 2018I was working almost 1 year for a company located in Phnom Penh to design various projects.
Skills & Tools: Adobe Photoshop and other tools