Rewind-Replay is (planned to be) a no frills, self-hosted photos app that helps in organizing and more importantly searching your photos.
Currently this project is very much a work-in-progress.
- We don't want to use cloud providers for personal photo collection.
- Some of us really care about our media in folders that we have meticulously curated from a long time. With any tool, we want the ability to continue to manage pics in folders.
- The single source of truth is the photo itself (*). Hence, we want all metadata, including user tags, ML based face / objects labels etc., to go back to the photo, to the extent possible.
- In the same vein, we also want the tool to utlize the metadata already existing in the photos (updated by device / other tools).
- In other words, we don't want to be locked-down by any one particular tool (including this one!).
- Some kind of sensible, not too constrained search is needed, even though it may (will) not be as good as Google.
(*) For those who are not aware, a photo/video taken by a modern camera/phone not only stores the image/video content, but also metadata about the photo/video. For e.g. GPS coordinates, dimensions, orientation, duration for videos etc. There are also provisions to update metadata when they are discovered. For e.g. recognized faces, address based on reverse geo-coding etc.
- Item: The individual media item (photo / video / audio)
- Album: A group of related media items. For e.g. "2021-10-01 Trip to SVBF"
- Collection: A set of related albums. For e.g. "My family pics", "My small-business pics" etc.
- Indexing: The process of reading media and cataloging metadata to help with search. Also thumbnail generation.
- Support for existing folders and files: Read existing folder structure (specificed during collection creation) and index the files found (if any) under respective collections
- Support for new files: Watch one or more folders for new files, and as new files become available, bring them into the respective collection and index them
- Rename albums (similar to renaming folders on a File Explorer program)
- Select files and move them to a different album
- Select files and trash them
- Index media photos, videos and audio
- Extract key exif data (metadata), and store in SQLite db
- Thumbnail generation
- Indexer has the ability to run and gather metadata for multiple files at the same time. See
- Mark as favorite / stars (there is no favorite in exif, but there is a 'rating' field)
- Optimize write of metadata to files by delaying the write. This enables grouping all the changes together and writing to file at one go
- Display photos and videos on a responsive, progressive, scrollable grid
- Slideshow
- Search photos based on their metadata, using SQLite FTS5
- Github like search features (key value pairs)
album:trip camera:samsung type:video
- When multiple conditions are prsent, by default they are "AND"ed.
album:trip camera:samsung type:video
will translate as{album}: "trip"* AND {camera}: "samsung"* AND {type}: "video"*
- This can be overwritten using the "logical" or "l" input. E.g.
- The input from "logical" keyword applies to all conditions
album:trip camera:samsung type:video l:or
will translate as{album}: "trip"* OR {camera}: "samsung"* OR {type}: "video"*
- Any un-prefixed condition will be applied to/restricted to all search-enabled columns
- For advanced needs (including querying non restricted columns - for e.g.
), use the "raw" input using SQLite FTS syntax. Thich will be used as-is in the filter. e.g.raw:"metadata match '{album}: (states* AND trip*)'"
raw:"strftime('%W',file_date)=strftime('%W',date()) and strftime('%Y',file_date) != strftime('%Y',date())"
(all 'past' photos of current week)
- "raw" can be clubbled with other filters, if needed
- Github like search features (key value pairs)
Near future
- Add/change "tags" (keywords)
- Display more info (filename, description, camera, date/time, people, location) on the file being viewed
- Ability to rename files
After near future
- Clustering photos on map
- Face recognition
- An acutal form to setup collections
- Form to update config and save it to persistant storage (file?)
- Monitor indexer progress
- Enable multiple collections
- Ability to upload photos from device
- Intelligent scrollbar (folder levels?)
- Object detection (computer vision)
- Authentication and Authorization
- Sharing photos/albums
Install necessary software
Install code (just clone this repo)
git clone
Or, grab the latest release from the Releases page
Install node dependencies
cd rewind-replay npm install
Special instructions for HEIC support (TBD for Linux)
For heic support, need to do some extra stuff at the moment. See lovell/sharp#4164 for more details
# brew install vips libheif libde265 x265 # npm install --build-from-source node-addon-api node-gyp sharp
Start server
node server.mjs
Setup Collection & Start Indexing
Until the UI is available to create collections and auto-start indexing, use REST API. For e.g.
Create collection
cat > c.json <<EOF { "collection_name":"Test", "collection_path":"/home/mrbrahman/Projects/test-collection/", "album_type":"FOLDER_ALBUM", "listen_paths":["/home/mrbrahman/Projects/test-collection-new-files/"], "apply_folder_pattern":"yyyy/yyyy-mm-dd", "default_collection":1 } EOF
curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d @c.json "http://localhost:9000/createNewCollection" # Verify curl -X GET 'http://localhost:9000/getAllCollections' | jq '.'
Start indexing (this will kick off indexer process in the background and return immediately)
curl -X POST 'http://localhost:9000/startIndexingFirstTime?collection_id=1'
Monitor progress
curl -X GET 'http://localhost:9000/getIndexerStatus' | jq '.'
# If you notice your system resources are not fully utilized, you can increase indexer concurrency # Suggest to increase by 1 at a time, until you see resources getting fully utilized $ curl -X PUT 'http://localhost:9000/updateIndexerConcurrency/2'
Visit your rewind-replay page http://localhost:9000
As indexing progresses, you should see photos appear
- nodejs server
- SQLite 3 database
- Sqlite3 provided FTS5 for searches
- sharp for image operations
- fluent-ffmpeg for video operations
- exiftool-vendored for metadata read / write
- Use browser native features (HTML5) to play videos