Energy monitoring system based on ESP32, PZEM-004, Influxdb, Chronograf. This hardware solution is cheap and a good alternative to Linky (French device from ENEDIS, an Electricity Distribution Company). It gives you the ability to own your private data and allow advanced usage, including monitoring energy consomption in real time.
- ESP32 is a very capacitive micro-controler with integrated Wifi. It is successor of ESP8266, sharing same libraries. It is now integrated with Arduino IDE, giving simplicity of use and large ecosystem with many libraries.
- PZEM-004-T is a small module with a serial port, connecting current transformer coil to a digital meter.
- Because ESP12 and ESP8266 power supply is 3.3V and not 5V, you need to connect an 1k resistor on PZEM-004 module to allow 3.3V function.
Please look at Wiki. Source code comming soon.
- : very complete firmware with REST API, OTA, OLED dispay, OpenHAB, Web Interface.
- : basic setup and wiring for Peacefair PEZEM-004T