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Cloudflare Domains

List of TLDs supported by Cloudflare Registrar

This script is powered by Cloudflare Workers, heavily utilizing HTMLRewriter for parsing their own HTML list of domains.

🕸️ API

GET requests can be made against

API Query Args pretty (optional)

  • When false or not included, JSON is minified
  • When true, JSON is formatted using JSON.stringify(json, null, 2)

💻 Development

To develop locally follow these steps:

  1. Installing the Workers CLI:
bun install
  1. Run the preview/watcher inside the repo:
bunx wrangler dev

This will open up the Workers dev experience, so you can test and debug the code. The main source can be found in index.ts.

🚀 Deploying

Web Scraper is deployed automatically when changes are pushed to master using a GitHub Action and the Workers CLI.

Or manually using:

bunx wrangler dev deploy

