This will repeat a scenario which fails up to 2 additional times. It will repeat the whole scenario again.
Either tag the scenario of feature with the @repeat tag
Scenario e.g:
Scenario: Works first time
Given I do something
Then I expect it this to pass on the second go
Feature e.g:
Feature: Testing Cucumber Repeat
Scenario: Works first time
Given I do something
Then I expect it this to pass on the second go
This will display results in the pretty format, additionally it is also able to display the results as Junit.
To output as Pretty do:
cucumber --format Cucumber::Formatter::Pretty
To output as Junit do:
cucumber --format Cucumber::Formatter::JunitRepeater --out results/
Note: this still displays some Pretty text
To output as Junit and Pretty:
cucumber --format Cucumber::Formatter::Pretty --format Cucumber::Formatter::JunitRepeater --out results/
The default retries is 2, but you can override the amount:
cucumber REPEAT=5
This will repeat a test up to 5 times.