This project aims to provide an engine to design a jump and run on a web page. The key point is, that the character of the jump and run will be able to interact with standard elements on the web page.
The origin of this project is an idea of the Swiss game designer company Koboldgames. The animations and images were provided by these nice people and are part of their corporate design.
This README should be up to date to the current commits. If you use a released version, only consider the attached README to this version.
add main.js, main.css and jQuery (for development jQuery 2.1.3 was used) to your page.
add the css class "solid" to the page elements you want the character to collide with.
make sure a js file contains the following lines
$(document).ready(function () { var engine, kobold; engine = new Engine(); kobold = engine.newMovable(); // START CONFIG // configure engine and movable(s) // END CONFIG engine.start(); kobold.enableMe(); });
Configure attributes of the engine such as classes to identify colliders and frame limiters.
Engine.setConfigAttr(attr, val);
"maxFps": 40
frame cap
"solidClass": "solid"
Class name definig which elements are solid, i.e. with which
elements the character is colliding (lets call them
collidables). All elements on the web page intended to be a
collidable must have this css class.
Animated objects should not be declared as solid.
"solidOnlyTopClass": "solidOnlyTop"
Class name definig which elemets (already having the
"solidClass") will be solids that only check collision when the
character is falling on top of them. In all other directions,
the collision is ignored.
"solidColliderClass": "solidCollider"
Only used internaly, make sure this class is not used anywhere
"solidColliderOnlyTopClass": "solidColliderOnlyTop""
Only used internaly, make sure this class is not used anywhere
value to configure the attribute
Get configuration attributes
the same attributes as in Engine.setConfigAttr(attr, val).
value of the attribute
Create and add a new character to the engine. Example animations are provided. To add different animations for other characters, create new css definitions similar to the ones provided in main.css.
Engine.newMovable(id, cssClass);
id: "kobold" [optional]
id of the added character. This id must like any other id be unique.
if no id is provided, the default value is set.
cssClass: "koboldImg" [optional]
name of the css class definig the size and animations of the
character. One set for the default names is provided. If no cssClass
is provided, the default value is set.
Movable object of the added charcter
Start the engine (frame manager, key bindings, etc)
Enable ability/behaviour of all characters
"forceDirection": true
When set, the character will move in the direction of the last
pushed direction button even if the former pressed direction
button is still pressed. In other words: when the left and
right buttons are pressed at the same time, with this attribute
set to true, the character will move in the direction of the
butten pressed last. If the attribute is set to false, the
character will stick to the direction it was already moving.
"crouchRun": false
Allows characters to crouch and run at the same time wothout
standing up. If turned off either crouch or run will be
prioritised. Check the attribute "forceRun" for more
"forceRun": false
This attribute allows to prioritize run or crouch if
"crouchRun" is off and both the crouch and the run buttons are
pressed. When turned off, crouch will be prioritised (the
charcter will always crouch when the crouch button is pressed)
If "crouchRun" is turned on, this parameter has no effect.
"crouchJumpHigh": true
This attribute determines whether the characters lift their
legs or duck while in the air. This changes the jump height of
the character. If this is turned off, the character jumps only
to the maximal height set by Movable.setMaxJumpHeight(maxHeight)
Disable ability/behaviour of all characters
the same attributes as in Engine.enableAttr(attr).
Toggle ability/behaviour of all characters
the same attributes as in Engine.enableAttr(attr).
Get the enable status of an ability/behaviour of all characters
the same attributes as in Engine.enableAttr(attr).
true if enabled, false if disabled
Update the collider. Always call this method, if the content of the page changes in such a way, that elements intended as solids are changed (size, new elements, etc.)
Disable a specific collider.
jQuery object of the solid, where the collider should be disabled
Enable a specific collider. By default all created colliders are enabled.
jQuery object of the solid, where the collider should be enabled
Toggle the enable status of a specific collider.
jQuery object of the solid, where the collider enable status should
be toggled.
Get Id of character
Enable character
Disable character
Toggle enable status of the character
Define behaviour after the method Movable.enableMe() has completed. Note that Movable.appear() will execute this function as well.
Devine the behaviour. By default nothing is executed.
Define behaviour after the method Movable.disableMe() has completed. Note that Movable.appear() and Movable.vanish() will execute this function as well.
Devine the behaviour. By default nothing is executed.
Enable ability of the character
"run": true
Enables the character to walk faster, hence run. The speed can
be set with Movable.setSpeed("rightRun"/"leftRun", speed).
The character is always able to walk. The walk speed can be set
with Movable.setSpeed("right"/"left", speed).
"jump": true
Enables character to jump. The character can only jump if he is
standing on a solid. The jump height can be set with
"crouch": true
Enables the character to crouch. The crouch height of the
character is set with setSize("heightCrouch", height). Keep in
mind that this depends on the size of the crouch animation.
"appear": true
With this enabled, the character is able to appear at a defined
"vanish": true
With this enabled, the characte is able to vanish from the
screen or teleport to a defined position.
"pickUp": true
With this enabled, the character is able to pick up elements
marked with the css class set by
Disable ability of the character
the same attributes as in Movable.enableAttr(attr).
Toggle ability enable status of the character
the same attributes as in Movable.enableAttr(attr).
Get the enable status of an ability
the same attributes as in Movable.enableAttr(attr).
true if enabled, false if disabled
Define keyCodes to use the character abilities by pressing the keys. Keep in mind, that this will prevent the default browser behaviour of the keys.
Movable.setKeyCode(attr, keyCode);
"jump": 32
32 (<space>) is default to make the character jump.
"run": 16
16 (<shift>) is default to make the character run.
"left": 37
37 (<leftArrow>) is default to make the character move left.
"right": 39
39 (<rightArrow>) is default to make the character move right.
"crouch": 17
17 (<ctrl>) is default to make the character crouch.
Get the key code of the corresponding ability
the same attributes as in Movable.setKeyCode(attr).
keyCode as integer
Id of element where the pick up count should appear. The corresponding element must exist on the webpage. If "pickUp" is turned off, this parameter has no effect.
id: "pickUpCnt"
Get pick up counter id
pick up counter id as string.
Class name definig which elements the character can pick up by moving over them. All elements on the web page intended to be objects that can be picked up must have this css class. If "pickUp" is turned off, this parameter has no effect.
cssClass: "pickUp"
Get pick up class
pick up css class as string
Get the actual pick up counter value
value of the pick up counter as integer
Define the speed of the character. Please pay attention to the minus sign.
Movable.setSpeed(attr, speed);
"right": 200
walking speed to the right
"rightRun": 300
running speed to the right
"left": -200
walking speed to the left
"leftRun": -300
running speed to the left
"jump": 1200
initial jumping speed
"fall": -1200
maximal falling speed
speed value
Get the speed value of an ability
same values as descriped in Movable.setSpeed(attr, speed), with one
speed of the character while falling
speed value as signed integer
Define the absolute screen position (in pixel) where the character will start. This coordinates will also be used if the character needs to be reset.
Movable.setInitialPosition(x, y);
x: 30
Distance in pixel from the left screen frame to the left border of
the character.
y: 100
Distance in pixel from the top screen frame to the bottom border
of the character.
Get the defined initial position (in pixel) of the character
object with attribute x and y as pixel values.
Define the size (in pixel) of the character in either standing or crouching position. Keep in mind that these values depend directly on the animation of the movable. It may be unwise to change this after the inital configuration.
Movable.setSize(attr, val);
"heightStand": 85
Height (in pixel) of the character in standing position.
"heightCrouch": 40
Height (in pixel) of the character in crouching position.
"width": 53
Width (in pixel) of the character.
Get size attribute of character
the same values as described in Movable.setSize(attr, val);
the size attribute as pixel value.
Set the z-index of the character image
zIndex: 10
value to define the css property z-index
Get the z-index of the character images
value of css property z-index
Setting these parameters allows the character to move over objects of small heights, without colliding (move up stairs without jumping). The value is the maxium height (in pixel) of an objet in order to be ignored by right and left collision. This can be turned off by setting both values to zero. Note that due to imprecision when zooming functionnality of the browsers is used, this values should not be set lower than 3.
tol: 10
Bottom tolarance (in pixel) for the left and right collider.
Get the bottom collider tolerance value.
Bottom tolerance as pixel value.
Setting these parameters allows the character to move below objects of small heights hanging down from the ceiling, without colliding.The value is the maxium height (in pixel) of an objet in order to be ignored by right and left collision. This can be turned off by setting both values to zero. Note that due to imprecision when zooming functionnality of the browsers is used, this values should not be set lower than 3.
left: 3
Top tolarance (in pixel) for the lefti and right collider.
Get the top collider tolerance value.
Top tolerance as pixel value.
Define the maximal height (in pixel) the character can jump. One exception to surpass this height is by enabling "crouchJumpHeight". Please check the comments there to get more information. If "jump" is turned off, this parameter has no effect.
maxHeight: 160
Maximal jump height (in pixel) of the character.
Get the maximum jump height
maximal jump height as pixel value
Define the intervall of random idle animations (in seconds). After completion of an animation, The next random animation will start in min seconds at the erliest and in max seconds at the latest.
Movable.setRandomAnimationInterval(min, max);
min: 4
erliest time of a random animation to start the next time after
completion (in seconds).
max: 10
latest time of a random animation to start the next time after
completion (in seconds). If no max value is spezified, the next
animation will alway start after min seconds.
Get the random animation interval values
object with attributes min and max (seconds).
Define the document overflow behavior.
Movable.setDocumentOverflowCb(direction, cb);
"left": default behavior description see below
the callback function triggers as soon as the character touches
the left border of the document. The default behavior is, that
the character cannot move any further to the left.
"right": default behavior description see below
the callback function triggers as soon as the character touches
the right border of the document. The default behavior is, that
the character cannot move any further to the right.
"top": default behaviour see description below
the callback function triggers as soon as the character touches
the top border of the document. By default nothing happens.
"bottom": default behavior description see below
the callback function triggers as soon as the character touches
the bottom border of the document. The default behavior is, that
the character is teleported back to the last valid position.
This works only if "appear" is enabled.
definition of the callback function if the default behaviour should
be overridden.
Get document overflow behavior. This could be useful if the default behavior should be extended, not overwritten completely.
The same directions as in
Movable.setDocumentOverflowDelta(direction, delta).
function, definig the document overflow behavior.
Define a distance (in pixel) from the document border at which the document overflow callback function triggers.
Movable.setDocumentOverflowDelta(direction, delta);
"left": 0
Distance in pixel to the left document border.
"right": 0
Distance in pixel to the right document border.
"top": 0
Distance in pixel to the top document border.
"bottom": 0
Distance in pixel to the bottom document border.
value in pixel
Get the distance (in pixel) from the document border at which the document overflow callback function triggers.
The same directions as in
Movable.setDocumentOverflowDelta(direction, delta).
Define the window overflow behavior.
Movable.setWindowOverflowCb(direction, cb);
"left": default behavior description see below
the callback function triggers as soon as the character touches
the left border of the windwo. The default behavior is, that
the window is scrolled left with the same speed as the character
is moving.
"right": default behavior description see below
the callback function triggers as soon as the character touches
the right border of the window. The default behavior is, that
the window is scrolled right with the same speed as the
character is moving.
"top": default behaviour see description below
the callback function triggers as soon as the character touches
the top border of the windwo. The default behavior is, that the
window is scrolled to the top with the same speed as the
character is moving.
"bottom": default behavior description see below
the callback function triggers as soon as the character touches
the bottom border of the window. The default behavior is, that
the window is scrolled down by the same speed as the character
is moving.
definition of the callback function if the default behaviour should
be overridden.
Get window overflow behavior. This could be useful if the default behavior should be extended, not overwritten completely.
The same directions as in
Movable.setWindowOverflowDelta(direction, delta).
function, definig the window overflow behavior.
Define a distance (in pixel) from the window border at which the document overflow callback function triggers.
Movable.setWindowOverflowDelta(direction, delta);
"left": 500
Distance in pixel to the left windwo border.
"right": 500
Distance in pixel to the right window border.
"top": 100;
Distance in pixel to the top window border.
"bottom": 100
Distance in pixel to the bottom window border.
value in pixel
Get the distance (in pixel) from the window border at which the window overflow callback function triggers.
The same directions as in
Movable.setWindowOverflowDelta(direction, delta).
Let the character appear at a specific position on the screen with a fancy animation. Only works if appear is enabled.
Movable.doAppear(x, y, cb);
x: last valid x position of the character [optional]
x coordiante (in pixel) starting from the left document border
y: last valid y position of the character [optional]
y coordiante (in pixel) starting from the top document border
cb: [optional]
callback function which is executed on success, after the animation
as finished
true if success, false if not
Let the character crouch. Only works if crouch is enabled.
crouchJumpHigh: true [optional]
if set to true, the character will lift its feet instead of ducking
its head while in the air. If set to false the charactre will duck
its head when in the air. For more information check the comments
on Engine.enableAttr('crouchJumpHigh')
true if success, false if not
Change the character into idle state which will enable the random idle animations.
Let the Character Jump. Only works if jump is enabled.
true if success, false if not
Move the character in a direction by a distance. If an obstacle is in the way, the character will only move to the border of the obstacle. Even if the distance to move is larger than the obstacle.
Movable.doMove(direction, dist);
must be a string with the value of either 'left', 'right', 'top',
or 'bottom'.
dist: standard distance depending on speed and direction [optional]
must be a positive number (negative signes are ignored) indication
the distance in pixel the character will move in a given direction.
true if success, false if there was a collision
Make the character run. This changes the speed and the animation but does not move the character. To actually move it, Movable.doMove(direction, dist) must be invoked. This works only if run is enabled and there is no impact if the character is already running.
true if success, false if not
Let the character stand up. The character will only stand up if it is crouched and no obstacle is preventing it from standing up.
true if success, false if not. If the character is already
standing, the method returns true.
Let the character teleport to a specified location with fancy animations. This works only if both appear and vanish are enabled.
Movable.doTeleport(x, y)
x: last valid x position of the character [optional]
x coordiante (in pixel) starting from the left document border
y: last valid y position of the character [optional]
y coordiante (in pixel) starting from the top document border
cb: [optional]
callback function which is executed on success, after the animation
has finished
true if success, false if not
Let the character vanish with a fancy animation. This only works if vanish is enabled.
cb: [optional]
callback function which is executed on success, after the animation
has finished
true if success, false if not
Make the character walk. This changes the speed and the animation but does not move the character. To actually move it, Movable.doMove(direction, dist) must be invoked. This has no impact when the character is already walking.
return true
This always returns true