This is a perfect project for the students or any learner to understand the Django Framework. This project is Developed using Basics of Django framework. It covers maximum basic components and concepts of Django. I have developed this website to showcase Agencies ability, motive, vision, and features. This website is developed for AK Agencies, Nagpur(An Startup).
While Developing this Website i was also learning the framework and its concepts. By developing this Project i had also learning and understand many concepts of web development, database, and a very important Deployment(HOSTING).
Frontend(GUI): HTML, CSS, Javascript, Swiper.Js
Backend: Python Programming Language
Framework: DJango Framework.
Database: SQLite3.
Libraries tinymce, pillow
Note:Images and logo used in this Websites are all from online free sources. No Licensing Requiured from my site.
Note: To run this project you need to download and install Python on your local system.
To install python on your System use this link:
Copy command into your Command Propmt(CMD)
git clone
The Above command will clone the project from remote Directory to the local Directory.
Install all dependencies
pip install django
pip install django-tinymce
pip install pillow
After installing all the dependencies, Execute below code in your terminal.
python runserver
**if your default port(8000) is busy then use below code
python runserver 5555
That's all, to Execute this project
Admin panel
Username: admin
Password: 123
Color | Hex |
Heading color | #0a192f |
Font color | #000 |
Theme color | #47baeb |
HTML, CSS, Javascripts(Basic)....
Python Programming, Django Framework, Flask Framework, Tkinter...
Java Programming, Swing, Servlet.