PyMorseCode is a morse code reader/generator. It can transacte a string text to morse code output. Also, it can play the morse code in audio format and save it to your computer in WAV format. You can also load a WAV file that has morse code and it will translate it to a text string so that you can read it. This project contains a library file called that you can use in your project and a GUI interface that you can use to generate morse code text and audio. Also, translate a morse code wave file.
Example Library Usage:
from pymorsecode import MorseCode
morse = MorseCode("Kayleb Walter", 7, 500)
# save audio version of morse code to specified file
Translate the text "Kayleb Walter", convert it to morse code and save it in audio format to "morsecode.wav"
Download and unzip the files. Install the dependences which is shown below. To run the GUI, go to terminal and navigate to the folder that holds the file and run the following command
Note: If using the library for a project, it has a couple of dependences: pyaudio, wave, soundfile, you can install them using pip
pip install pyaudio
pip install wave
pip install soundfile
The GUI is straight forward. Type in the text you want to convert to morse code in the top textbox. Afterwhich, click on the generate button. This will generate the morse code for the text and be shown in the bottom textbox. If you want to save the morse code in audio format just click on the save button. If you click on the open button it will allow you to open a morse code audio file. It will translate the audio and show the morse code and the text version in the textboxes
Note: When opening an audio file, it will take a couple of seconds for the program to process and output the morse code so it might appear to do nothing. Just give it a couple of seconds. You can look at the terminal window and it show you when it has finish
- It is quite easy to use the library. Just import the class in your project:
from pymorsecode import MorseCode
- To initialize the morse code class in your code
morse = MorseCode("Kayleb Walter", 7, 500)
MorseCode(textstring, wpm (default=10), frequency default(800) textstring - is the text you want to convert to morsecode wpm - words per minute, the speed of the morse code when in audio format(wpm 5 - 25) frequency - the frequency of the tone that will be used for the morse code(frequency 500 - 1000)
textstring will be stored in the morse property morse_text(morse.morse_text) The translated morse code for textstring will be calculate when you initialize the class and be stored in the morse property morse_code (morse.morse_code)
- Converting text to and from morse code the following two functions can be use
# Get morse code for the given text
morse_code = morse.to_morse("Genavive Grant")
# Convert morse code to text
morse_text = morse.to_string(morse_code)
- To save the morse code in audio format(wav) use the following function:
# save audio version of morse code to specified file
- To get morse code from an audio format(wav), use the following function:
# Open a file and get text from the morsecode audio
The morse code from the audio will be stored in the property morse_code and the text version of the morse code will be stored in the property morse_text
- Add an install file so that one does not have to worry about install the dependences