The purpose of this analysis was to act as a Human Resource Analyst to determine which employees of Pwelett Hackard are likely going to retire in the near future and get an approximation of how many positions would need to be filled. Doing this analysis provides the decision makers of the company important insight on the future of their workforce and can help them plan accordingly to ensure adequate staffing for the future.
- Original data sets:
- departments.csv
- dept_emp.csv
- dept_manager.csv
- employees.csv
- salaries.csv
- titles.csv
- Software:
- PostgreSQL
- pgAdmin
I created the unique_titles table to see how many employees could potentially retire with their respective title. I did this by joining the employees and titles tables, filtering by date of birth and date hired, removing duplicates, and ording the data points by date hired. Based on the results there are approximately 72,458 employees retiring.
Using this new table, I created the retiring_titles table to count and identify the number of retirment-eligible employees based on their respective titles. Below is a list of my findings.
- Results:
- 25,916 Senior Engineers
- 24,926 Senior Staff
- 9,285 Engineers
- 7,636 Staff
- 3,603 Tehcnique Leaders
- 1,090 Assistant Engineers
- 2 Managers
Another task was to create a table that identified eligible employees who could participate in a Mentorship Program to assist the company in this transition period. The mentorship_eligibility table was created by joining the employees, department employees, and title tables. The criteria for the new table was employees born in 1965 and currently working at Pewlett Hackard. I was able to identify approximately 1,549 employees eligible to participate in the Mentorship Program.
Starting in the next few months, Pwelett Hackard wil be facing a silver tsunami - an impending wave of retirement-aged employees who are ready to leave the workforce. Given the current economy, this presents a major challenge for the business. To understand this, I have created an additional table using the code below which gives an estimate on the number of employees that could retire.
Pewlett Hackard is going to need to preapre for the departure of approximately 13,505 employees in the short-term. This number represents the number of people that are currently working at the company, have been there since 1985 to 1988, and their birth date is between 1962 and 1965.
To see if the Mentorship Program is feasible we need to see if there are enough potential mentors in each department. Thus, I created the employees_leaving_by_dept table.
I ran this query to get the count of mentor eligible employees for each department.
In conclusion, it all depends on how many employees retire and are willing to mentor. More mentors will be required for the Developement, Production, and Sales Departments than in comparison to the Human Resources, Finance, and Marketing Departments. Most of the focus should be surrounding the Departments that are more at risk of negative impact and conversations surrounding the Mentorship Program should commence as quickly as possible if executed to ensure maximum participation.