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ros topics

eatal edited this page Nov 21, 2019 · 2 revisions

ROS Topics

The list below gives an overview of the ROS topics published by the core FlightGoggles Simulation Framework ROS nodes.

Message Type: sensor_msgs/Image
Description: Raw image superimposed with the detected IR beacons to be used primarily for debug purposes.

Message Type: sensor_msgs/Joy
Description: Publication from the joystick controller node to be used for teleoperation.

Message Type: keyboard/Key
Description: Publication from the keyboard controller to be used for teleoperation.

Message Type: keyboard/Key
Description: Publication from the keyboard controller to be used for teleoperation.

Message Type: universal_teleop/Control
Description: Debug topic for universal_teleop controls muxer. Outputs mapped joystick values after remapping (e.g. "roll: 0.1").

Message Type: universal_teleop/Event
Description: Debug topic for universal_teleop controls muxer. Outputs events ("override", "takeoff", etc.) for mapped joystick buttons and keyboard strokes.

Message Type: tfMessage
Description: This topic contains the transformations that are published by nodes that interface/ simulate sensors. Documentation for querying this the transformations can be found here.

Message Type: tfMessage
Description: This topic contains the published static transforms, i.e transformations between frames that are expected to remain constant (rigidly attached).

Message Type: std_msgs/Float32
Description: Float message that outputs the actual frame rate of the camera in wall time. This is used for debug and clock scaling when \use_sim_time is set.

Message Type: sensor_msgs/CameraInfo
Description: Contains the camera calibration information for the left camera.

Message Type: sensor_msgs/Image
Description: Contains the raw image color image from the left camera.

Message Type: flightgoggles/IRMarkerArray
Description: Contains the IR Marker detections in the image space of the left camera.

Message Type: sensor_msgs/CameraInfo
Description: Contains the camera calibration information for the right camera.

Message Type: sensor_msgs/Image
Description: Contains the raw image color image from the right camera.

Message Type: std_msgs/Empty
Description: Publication on this topic indicates the vehicle is in collision and will reset the dynamics state if the parameter ignore_collisions is set to false.

Message Type: std_msgs/Empty
Description: Not implemented

Message Type: mav_msgs/RateThrust
Description: Angular rate and thrust command inputs for the low-level PID controller. Roll-, pitch-, yaw-rate around body axes, and total (collective) thrust. Only the z-component of the thrust vector is used.

Message Type: mav_msgs/Actuators
Description: Angular velocity command inputs for each motor in rad/s.

Message Type: std_msgs/Empty
Description: Publish a message to this topic to reset vehicle to its initial condition.

Message Type: std_msgs/Empty
Description: Publish a message to this topic to arm the vehicle, i.e. start vehicle dynamics simulation.

Message Type: std_msgs/Empty
Description: Not implemented

Message Type: sensor_msgs/Imu
Description: Noisy accelerometer (linear acceleration) and gyroscope (angular velocity) measurements in body-fixed reference frame.

Message Type: sensor_msgs/Range
Description: Noisy downward facing range measurement in the body-fixed reference frame.