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hannesm committed Mar 9, 2023
1 parent 6ce8206 commit b9033a2
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Showing 3 changed files with 23 additions and 23 deletions.
28 changes: 14 additions & 14 deletions pk/mirage_crypto_pk.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ module Rsa : sig
val priv : e:Z.t -> d:Z.t -> n:Z.t -> p:Z.t -> q:Z.t -> dp:Z.t -> dq:Z.t ->
q':Z.t -> (priv, [> `Msg of string ]) result
(** [priv ~e ~d ~n ~p ~q ~dp ~dq ~q'] validates the private key: [e, n] must
be a valid {!pub}, [p] and [q] valid prime numbers [> 0], [odd],
be a valid {!type-pub}, [p] and [q] valid prime numbers [> 0], [odd],
probabilistically prime, [p <> q], [n = p * q], [e] probabilistically
prime and coprime to both [p] and [q], [q' = q ^ -1 mod p], [1 < d < n],
[dp = d mod (p - 1)], [dq = d mod (q - 1)],
Expand All @@ -76,12 +76,12 @@ module Rsa : sig

val priv_of_primes : e:Z.t -> p:Z.t -> q:Z.t ->
(priv, [> `Msg of string ]) result
(** [priv_of_primes ~e ~p ~q] is the {{!priv}private key} derived from the
(** [priv_of_primes ~e ~p ~q] is the {{!type-priv}private key} derived from the
minimal description [(e, p, q)]. *)

val priv_of_exp : ?g:Mirage_crypto_rng.g -> ?attempts:int -> e:Z.t -> d:Z.t ->
n:Z.t -> unit -> (priv, [> `Msg of string ]) result
(** [priv_of_exp ?g ?attempts ~e ~d n] is the unique {{!priv}private key}
(** [priv_of_exp ?g ?attempts ~e ~d n] is the unique {{!type-priv}private key}
characterized by the public ([e]) and private ([d]) exponents, and modulus
[n]. This operation uses a probabilistic process that can fail to recover
the key.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -139,8 +139,8 @@ module Rsa : sig
(** {1 Key generation} *)

val generate : ?g:Mirage_crypto_rng.g -> ?e:Z.t -> bits:bits -> unit -> priv
(** [generate ~g ~e ~bits ()] is a new {{!priv}private key}. The new key is
guaranteed to be well formed, see {!priv}.
(** [generate ~g ~e ~bits ()] is a new {{!type-priv}private key}. The new key is
guaranteed to be well formed, see {!val-priv}.
[e] defaults to [2^16+1].
Expand All @@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ module Rsa : sig
(** {b PKCS v1.5} operations, as defined by {b PKCS #1 v1.5}.
For the operations that only add the raw padding, the key size must be at
least 11 bytes larger than the message. For full {{!sign}signing}, the
least 11 bytes larger than the message. For full {{!PKCS1.sign}signing}, the
minimal key size varies according to the hash algorithm. In this case, the
key size is [priv_bits key / 8], rounded up. *)
module PKCS1 : sig
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -261,7 +261,7 @@ module Rsa : sig

val sign : ?g:Mirage_crypto_rng.g -> ?crt_hardening:bool ->
?mask:mask -> ?slen:int -> key:priv -> Cstruct.t or_digest -> Cstruct.t
(** [sign ~g ~crt_hardening ~mask ~slen ~key message] the {!p PSS}-padded
(** [sign ~g ~crt_hardening ~mask ~slen ~key message] the [PSS]-padded
digest of [message], signed with the [key]. [crt_hardening] defaults
to [false].
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -314,7 +314,7 @@ module Dsa : sig
(priv, [> `Msg of string ]) result
(** [priv ~fips ~p ~q ~gg ~x ~y ()] constructs a private DSA key from the given
numbers. Will result in an error if parameters are ill-formed: same as
{!pub}, and additionally [0 < x < q] and [y = g ^ x mod p]. Note that no
{!val-pub}, and additionally [0 < x < q] and [y = g ^ x mod p]. Note that no
time masking is done on the modular exponentiation. *)

type pub = private {
Expand All @@ -323,7 +323,7 @@ module Dsa : sig
gg : Z.t ;
y : Z.t ;
(** Public key, a subset of {{!priv}private key}.
(** Public key, a subset of {{!type-priv}private key}.
{e [Sexplib] convertible}. *)

Expand All @@ -348,7 +348,7 @@ module Dsa : sig
(** Extract the public component from a private key. *)

val generate : ?g:Mirage_crypto_rng.g -> keysize -> priv
(** [generate g size] is a fresh {{!priv}private} key. The domain parameters
(** [generate g size] is a fresh {{!type-priv}private} key. The domain parameters
are derived using a modified FIPS.186-4 probabilistic process, but the
derivation can not be validated. Note that no time masking is done for the
modular exponentiations.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -451,7 +451,7 @@ module Dh : sig
val gen_key : ?g:Mirage_crypto_rng.g -> ?bits:bits -> group -> secret * Cstruct.t
(** Generate a random {!secret} and the corresponding public key.
[bits] is the exact bit-size of {!secret} and defaults to a value
dependent on the {!group}'s [p].
dependent on the {!type-group}'s [p].
{b Note} The process might diverge when [bits] is extremely small. *)

Expand All @@ -464,7 +464,7 @@ module Dh : sig
[1 < public < p-1] && [public <> gg]. *)

val gen_group : ?g:Mirage_crypto_rng.g -> bits:bits -> unit -> group
(** [gen_group ~g ~bits ()] generates a random {!group} with modulus size
(** [gen_group ~g ~bits ()] generates a random {!type-group} with modulus size
[bits]. Uses a safe prime [p = 2q + 1] (with [q] prime) for the modulus
and [2] for the generator, such that [2^q = 1 mod p].
Runtime is on the order of a minute for 1024 bits.
Expand All @@ -473,7 +473,7 @@ module Dh : sig
{b Note} The process might diverge if there are no suitable groups. This
happens with extremely small [bits] values. *)

(** A small catalog of standardized {!group}s. *)
(** A small catalog of standardized {!type-group}s. *)
module Group : sig

(** From RFC 2409: *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -522,7 +522,7 @@ module Z_extra : sig

val of_cstruct_be : ?bits:bits -> Cstruct.t -> Z.t
(** [of_cstruct_be ~bits cs] interprets the bit pattern of [cs] as a
{{!t}[t]} in big-endian.
{{!Z.t}[t]} in big-endian.
If [~bits] is not given, the operation considers the entire [cs],
otherwise the initial [min ~bits (bit-length cs)] bits of [cs].
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions rng/mirage_crypto_rng.mli
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Expand Up @@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ exception Unseeded_generator
(** Thrown when using an uninitialized {{!g}generator}. *)

exception No_default_generator
(** Thrown when {!set_generator} has not been called. *)
(** Thrown when {!set_default_generator} has not been called. *)

(** Entropy sources and collection *)
module Entropy : sig
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ val default_generator : unit -> g
(** [default_generator ()] is the default generator. Functions in this module
use this generator when not explicitly supplied one.
@raise No_default_generator if {!set_generator} has not been called. *)
@raise No_default_generator if {!set_default_generator} has not been called. *)

val set_default_generator : g -> unit
(** [set_default_generator g] sets the default generator to [g]. This function
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14 changes: 7 additions & 7 deletions src/mirage_crypto.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ module Uncommon : sig
@raise Division_by_zero when [y < 1]. *)

(** Addons to {!Cstruct}. *)
(** Addons to the {!Cstruct} interface. *)
module Cs : sig

val (<+>) : Cstruct.t -> Cstruct.t -> Cstruct.t
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -70,9 +70,9 @@ end

(** Hashes.
Each algorithm is contained in its own {{!hashing_modules}module}, with
high-level operations accessible through {{!hashing_funs}functions} that
dispatch on {{!hash}code} value. *)
Each algorithm is contained in its own {{!Hash.S}module}, with
high-level operations accessible through functions that
dispatch on {{!Hash.hash}code} value. *)
module Hash : sig

type digest = Cstruct.t
Expand All @@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ module Hash : sig
{- [let iter_pair : 'a * 'a -> 'a iter = fun (x, y) f = f x; f y]}
{- [let iter_list : 'a list -> 'a iter = fun xs f -> List.iter f xs]}} *)

(** {1:hashing_modules Hashing algorithms} *)
(** {1 Hashing algorithms} *)

(** A single hash algorithm. *)
module type S = sig
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ module Hash : sig
(** [digesti iter = feedi empty iter |> get] *)

val hmaci : key:Cstruct.t -> Cstruct.t iter -> digest
(** See {{!hmac}[hmac]}. *)
(** See {{!val-hmac}[hmac]}. *)

module MD5 : S
Expand All @@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ module Hash : sig
This is the most convenient way to go from a code to a module. *)

(** {1:hashing_funs Hash functions} *)
(** {1 Hash functions} *)

val digest : [< hash ] -> Cstruct.t -> digest
(** [digest algorithm bytes] is [algorithm] applied to [bytes]. *)
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