The vaccine version has been added to the vaccination details
Aborting the fuzzy matching flow no longer leads to stored events
The user is now always able to escape the fuzzy matching flow
The text for ‘About this app’ was updated to reflect the current corona situation
Modules (all modules can be found in and ):
Extracted the Luhn checker to a separate reusable module
Extracted the QR code generator to a separate reusable module
Extracted the DigiD/TVS connection (OpenIDConnect implementation) to a separate reusable module
Extracted the HTTP client security extension to a separate reusable module
Extracted Lokalise scripts so they can be used for other Lokalise based projects
Created/updated ‘as built’ documentation for CoronaCheck
Implemented several smaller design corrections
Updated the certificate transparency server url
Bug fix: country was shown incorrectly for Dutch in a foreign country
You can’t perform that action at this time.